So Grateful, dear Timothy...
You fired-up great love in MotherGOD and FatherGOD with your re-memberance... We are so delighted as you are planing to join full time GFP and Mum & Papa God...
Is it, sound so wired, yet kind of very normal to have them around, to simply love us without any particular reason?... As much I spend time with them, while we are working together, these feelings or knowing [sound more true...] coming through me like a surprising tears, strong waves of happiness and joy, great buzzing in my head with wonderful messages [something like this one ie...] and all the time I have big smile in my chest... on top of my heart...
Once you dive in to this feeling, than you will know... that doubt is only here to propel US much faster when we jump... But, this jump does not fly downward, but UPWARD... way UP...
I Jumped the day I met them.. or better when I remembered them.... And I can see same feeling in your words, so to let you know little secret: you cannot go back to jumping board and continue to doubt: who are they?... why are here?... WHy me? oh Why, GOD?... exactly because you are one of them... or better, you are one of US...
And thank you for helping humanity with your involvement with GFP, we need big hearts and especially funny ones...
Be Blessed dear Brother, and I am here for you for what ever you need... You don't need to write, simply think about me and I will feel you... as I do right NOW... WIth Love, I AM THAT I AM Predrag
oh, yes... truly funny writing, with MotherGOD... please let them coming, as some of the channeling become quite boring after first couple of thousands you read... we need some real human-godly humour, of US who are not afraid of any judgments... Love you, P