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Polona Somrak~
Dear Family of Light!

I AM deeply shifting, and the more I AM awakening to this core inner Being that I AM, the more all that is not authentic, is falling away. In true Infinite Eternal DIVINE LOVE, there is no space for feeling we can be smart for others, there is no such place of fueling our egos there, there is only a place to share and be authentic. I now say goodbye to all of that is a part of the old, which is all the people, situations and things that no longer resonate within my pure Heart. I AM only here to LOVE and to serve, not be a "know-it-all", for this is not who I AM.

There are so many who can be so smart about the nature of LOVE, but living it is something completely different. There are so many who use big words on love, but that does not necessarily mean they are coming from the utmost purity. We are not here to impose our guidance on others, and believe we are opening the doors for them, for this is the nature of the lower, not the way of the Divine. And while we believe, we can help others, this just means we have not yet surrendered to the Divine Will within the Divine Plan of Perfection, where everyone is perfect and always exactly where they need to be, taken care of by the Divine on their own Journey. This means that we only recognize our own Divinity, but not that of others. If we have surrendered to the Divine Will, we serve only through sharing, and speak only when asked. This means operating within the highest order of Divinity, as a complete conduit of Light! It is also so important to not deny our Human nature, for all those who do, will keep seeing themselves as beyond others. We are all Divine Beings, existing and creating in the Human form.

We are all here on our unique Journey and the only one who truly does know this Journey, is us, through our eternal Source connection within Oneness. No one can know our Journey better than us, no one knows it in its entirety. Within the highest awareness, there is no feeling like we know better for others, that they know themselves. This is the old way, the old spirituality, which was being fed by the stagnant egos. We are all being challenged within the greatest FAITH in our lives, and now it will be shown, who is truly opening the Heart center, and who just wants to conceptualize about it and speak on the behalf of others. We are here to share our LOVE, not to be opinionated and impose our guidance on others, when they do not even ask. This is manipulation, not acting through Love. This is control, not believing that all of us are taken care of within the Divine Nature of All Creation. All those who are still dealing with others, are not yet living from WITHIN.

So all I can truly say to all of You is that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, so just focus on the Light of Truth and only see all those apparent stumbles, rumbles and tumbles as showing us the way, serving as a pinpoint and guidance of Spirit that works in mysterious ways. Nothing else truly matters anyway. This is LIVING LIFE through experience and only this gives birth to KNOWING.

LOVE YOU, beautiful Ones, You are all the Beloveds!

Within Divine Love, Polona
