Death of Americans: The Medical System is Now the Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. January 1, 2014

Andrea Green's picture

gt hospital mistakes 630x420 130919 Death of Americans: The Medical System is Now the Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
The proper headline for this story should be that the medical system is now the #1 cause of death, killing more Americans than any single disease. The reason I say that is because this report only covers medical errors.

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  They should require all

DeSwiss2's picture

  They should require all hospitals to post their death statistics right under the hospital sign. That way they can't hide what they're doing. Or not doing, as the case may be. As in: ''saving lives?'' 

RACOON CITY HOSPITAL: ''One of the 3rd leading causes of death in the nation.''

With all the warm bodies that Obamacare will now bring into the fold, they'll be #1 in no time, I'm sure......