~Debbie: Your Participation is Requested~
Debbie asks for our alignment on 11~11~11 to make a unified request for the release of free~energy technology. The introduction of free energy will see an end to petroleum~based technology and the end of oil drilling and gas~driven transportation.
Your Participation Is Requested
To each soul who will take the time to read this:
Dear Fellow Humans of Planet Earth,
It is time!
Do you care about the world that we live in?
Do you want to change the world…for the absolute best?
If so, your participation is requested.
It won’t hurt or harm you or anyone else.
It will only take a couple of minutes out of one of your days.
You don’t even have to tell anyone else that you are participating.
“So many dear souls have thought to themselves how they wished they could do something about the unfair state their world is in, only to have the painful realization set in that without other souls on their side, there would be nothing they could do. Have we not told you countless times of the true power of numbers? The elite make up a very, very small fraction of your population. Imagine dear souls if everybody on your world unanimously stood up against these souls, Which is a possibility that is now gaining support.”~ SanJAsKa
“ The only way you can set people free is if they are allowed independence and self-sufficiency, and only Free Energy can do that. Not to mention how healthy it will be for the environment.” ~ A Very Dear Friend
So, what I ask each of you to participate in, is a mass thought projection.
On November 11, 2011 at 11:11 AM in each time zone, take just a couple of minutes… Say it out loud, write it, type it, think it!
And do so, with great conviction and gratitude, the following:
Address this thought to the Higher Power which suits your own belief such as:
Dear Universe , Dear Mother Gaia, Dear God, Dear Jesus, Dear Source, Dear Universal Consciousness, Dear Higher Source, etc.
Please release free energy to the masses worldwide to allow for the greatest good for ALL of humanity and Mother Earth. I send YOU my love and gratitude for the gift of free energy and pour love out to those souls who have suppressed it and kept it from us.
That’s it.
The more who participate, the greater the return of miracles received. And the quicker they’ll come.
Not a thing to be lost by anyone. But miracles can and will occur!
Expect miracles!!!
Know that miracles will occur!!!
NOTE: I will be available on the Facebook Worldwide Thought Projection page for any who request I do a projection for their specific time zone no matter the time for me. The energy felt during these projections is amazing.
Here is the link for the Facebook page: