Pao L. Chang, Guest
Waking Times
Shortly after the Federal Reserve (Fed) was established in the USA in 1913, the international Banksters changed the process of how banks lend money to the American people and the rest of the world. They did this by removing the gold backed US dollar and replaced it with fiat currency that is backed by the good faith and credit of the American people. This criminal act made every American a slave to the Banksters and has slowly destroyed the Western economy.
Did you know banks don’t lend real money?
Today, banks don’t actually lend out real money, but instead lend out notes or checks that are backed by a promise to pay. Before lending out these notes or checks, the borrower has to sign documents that have terms and conditions written on them along with a price tag (the amount of money the borrower agrees to pay back). A more specific name for these documents is “negotiable contracts.” These negotiable contracts or negotiable instruments are basically IOUs with a natural person’s signature on them.