Press TV - 9/6/12
The American spy agency, CIA has declassified a document, admitting to “analytic liabilities” that resulted in false US intelligence estimates on Iraq’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction, leading to a major war.
The heavily-redacted 2006 review, declassified on Wednesday, shows that the case for war against Iraq rested on a number of falsehoods, all of which came from the US intelligence community’s failures in assessing Iraqi weapons programs in the lead-up to the Bush administration’s 2003 invasion.
The document highlights that such “analytic liabilities” kept US analysts from seeing the issue “through an Iraqi prism” and generated findings that helped justify the Iraq war.
This document is a smoke screen...
Just another bait and switch tactic to make us all believe the Iraq war was started by an unfortunate error in intelligence intel, whoops, sorry we made a mistake...yeah right!!!
We all know this was meticulously planned and implemented by Bush and the cabal...why are we still listening to these ridicoulous excuses, these criminals should just be arrested and dealt with, it's appalling that on the eve of the 9/11 atrocities (implemented by the EXACT same group) that we are still being dealt the CRAP by media that it was Bin there anyone with an IQ above 20 that still believes the official story???
Are we awake yet?