Denise Le Fay ~ Heart Torus Field & The 2012 Solar Transmissions
Posted on February 3, 2012 by Gillian
Transitions | February 3 2012
If I remember correctly it was a couple of months ago that, while following my nose online, I stumbled upon a really great article called “Follow Your Heart” by Rebecca Cherry l at the website I’m not familiar with the author or this website but I was obviously meant to see this woman’s article about the torus-shaped energy field we have emanating from our hearts and around our body. I read it and thought it was a very good article and was grateful my Higher Self led me to it…and then promptly forgot it and having read it! Another common ascension symptom but it shows how we’re not in our old 3D linear minds/intellects as much as we’ve always been but increasingly in the NOW moment and our hearts.
When I follow my nose online like this it’s because my Higher Self is directing me to some specific information for specific reasons and I know to go with the higher flow and connect the dots so I have a larger understanding about something which I usually share here as I’m doing with this. However, there was more I was supposed to understand when I first read this “Follow Your Heart” article that I did not catch, and so, my Higher Self lets me experience things for myself a bit longer, hurt a bit more from certain ascension and solar related symptoms so I really know on a conscious level what I missed the first time around. Thank you once again Higher Self and I’m learning to pay better attention in this new not paying tight, focused attention sort of way but expanding into a larger, less dramatic and rigid perceptual field type business. That sentence is far more important than it may sound at first.
To make sure I got the information I was meant to perceive the first time I read Rebecca Cherry’s article a month or two ago, my Higher Self let me experience the January 2012 X-class solar flare/CME onslaught and feel like my head, heart, tailbone, hips and pelvic area was going to explode or melt! With that particular physical pain fresh in my awareness and body, I was led back to this same article yesterday where I finally perceived a bit more of what I’d missed the first time around. Better late than never right?
I had written in two of my articles — One Month Into 2012 & We’ve Been Solar Fried! and 2012 TO DO List — about how the 2012 ascension and solar energies will be affecting our heads, hearts, and lower body and yet I missed this important aspect of this information and the connection to our 5D High Hearts.
Since December 2011 my head, heart, tailbone and hips area has been extremely painful and I intuitively sensed these pain-filled body parts were connected and that it all meant something important. I kept clairvoyantly seeing the symbolic image of the human body with this powerful torus-shaped energy field around it from the top of the head to the bottom of the pelvic area receiving the January 2012 X-class solar energies and repeatedly circulating it within its field which was a big reason why we felt increased pressures and palpitations in our physical heart plus increased emotions (“tears” etc.) in our emotional hearts.
After I re-read the “Follow Your Heart” article I made the connections between the material in it with the severe December 2011 and January 2012 head, heart and tailbone/hips pain I and many of you endured. The other thing I kept perceiving was how Leo is the opposite sign (and astrological Age) to Aquarius and how Leo rules the 3D physical heart and lower back primarily and the fifth dimensional unified High Heart. What I want to express in the ways that I’ve perceived this material so far, is that the 2012 solar energies and cosmic/galactic transmissions are affecting our physical hearts and 5D High Heart Centers—and heads and “pelvic floor”—with increased force and energies and that this entire torus-shaped heart energy field is being profoundly evolved or upgraded during 2012.
Denise Le Fay