Denise Le Fay: 9~11~11
I didn’t want to write anything about September’s 11-11 portal only because of the tenth anniversary of the “9/11″ event. I’ve wondered how September’s 11-11 was going to play out from a higher energetic level and override the lower frequency “9/11″ anniversary and all the crafted emotional hype and manipulations connected with it.
Then the other day I woke up with nearly every inch of my body in pain (still is today) and instantly knew—from thirteen years of transformational solar energy beatings—that the Sun was spewing higher dimensional LIGHT all over Earth and humanity. As usual I confirm what my body’s already telling me by going to Spaceweather.com to see the latest news about the Sun, and sure enough, there had been two solar flares/CME’s at that point; one an X-class and the other an M-class. Translated that means mega-sized pain and medium-sized pain!
According to the physical solar professionals three solar blasts are Earth-directed and should arrive on Sept. 11, 2011—9-11-11. I’ve said before that the nonlinear sensitive folks feel solar and galactic energies from the moment they happen, and like telepathy and everything else, don’t need them to travel through space time for x-number of days before they reach us physically to be effected by them. Unity Consciousness means exactly that!
Many of us are going to, once again, be fried alive by higher Cosmic Energies via the Sun, while other folks will be thoroughly entranced by the carefully crafted manipulations of their Emotional bodies and consciousness by the government and media over a decade-old event that they don’t even know the truth about. Some things at that level just never change…
I say get solar fried (again) and have more of your DNA plugged back in by it and rest as much as you can during these transformational solar storms raining down on us. Use the 9 energies of completion, coupled with the 11-11 energies of transition out of the old lower duality, and into the new higher Unity consciousness, to move beyond the lower frequency junk and manipulations. We’ve only got this 9-11-11 portal Stair Step and the 10-11-11 portal Stair Step before the transitional triple 11-11-11 coming on November 11, 2011!
Here’s the physical story from Spaceweather.com.
September 8, 2011
“STRONG FLARE ACTIVITY CONTINUES: On Sept. 8th at 1546 UT, sunspot 1283 unleashed an M6-class solar flare. This continues the active region’s 3-day trend of daily powerful eruptions. Yesterday’s blast, an X1.8-class event, produced a bright flash of extreme UV radiation and hurled an inky-dark plume of plasma into space. Click to view the movie from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:
Since Sept. 6th, sunspot 1283 has propelled at least three CMEs in the general direction of Earth. Glancing blows from the incoming clouds will commence sometime on Sept. 9th and continue through Sept. 11th, possibly sparking minor geomagnetic storms. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
X-flares of Solar Cycle 24: There have been only a handful of X-flares since the beginning of new Solar Cycle 24. Here is a complete list so far, all in 2011: Feb. 15 (X2), March 9 (X1), Aug. 9 (X7), Sept. 6 (X2), Sept. 7 (X2). Before these five, the previous X-flare occured on Dec.14, 2006, (X1) during old Solar Cycle 23.”
My body has been in extreme
My body has been in extreme pain since Friday evening. It's really becoming unbearable.
Solor Flare
I witnested the Solor flare hitting the atmosphere friday night september 9th at 11:11pm mountain time, it was similar to the northern lights but the sky was lit up from the east, almost like a bunch of big spot lights shining over the mountains, everything lit up and then they slowly faded away, the west coast from california though British columbia to Alaska experiance an earth quake about an hour later, What blew my mind the most is this happend right at 11:11 on the clock in our van, it gave me the chills being Im constanly being stirred by the 11:11 promts or what ever you want to call em, definatly more to the picture than meets the eye here!
~thank you for sharing~
~~The Energies will be ever increasing Now, as we prepare for 11~11~11~ gateway~
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!