Despite Bumps, Space Station Docking on Track

Rain's picture - 10/10/12

The main mission for the Falcon launch -- delivering half a ton of science and food supplies toward the space station -- is still on track with a docking of the cargo-laden Dragon capsule scheduled for Wednesday. (AP Photo)

WASHINGTON -- A private rocket successfully sent a capsule full of cargo zipping toward the International Space Station in a first of its kind delivery for NASA, but couldn't deliver on job No. 2: putting a commercial satellite into the correct orbit.

One of nine engines on SpaceX company's Falcon 9 rocket failed Sunday 79 seconds after launch because of a pressure loss. The engine didn't explode, but it did start a series of events that meant another company's private satellite is not in the place it is needed.

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Divine intervention....?

John Carter's picture

As we all know, NASA is one of the cabals control mechanisms for the planet, I wonder if this recent failed satellite launch might be some orm of "intervention" to stop another space based weapon from being deployed and activated...?

Love and Blessings o all.