Diaries of the Heart by Lesley (Kiara), Truth Lived in Love...(1)

AmethystLight's picture


I have been gardening quite a bit lately. It is something I have come to have a great passion for. I just love plants, and I love to watch them grow, and to see the life that comes from giving to the earth in such a way. We have several rose bushes now, and they are blooming beautifully. At times, some of the plants will even grow over night. We have several oak trees in our yard, and so, I have seen several of the acorns come forward to sit within the earth and little small trees have started to sproat.

As you might expect, I cannot let them grow just anywhere, but I don't like to simply toss them as they are valuable and are a life, and so are precious to me. There is an open wooded area in our back yard that I was able to find a few spots where I would like new trees, and so planted them there so that they would grow into new trees for our yard.

I learn and remember quite a bit through gardening. I find that the plants and other nature energies speak to you if you are willing to listen. If you are consistent in the knowledge that you wish to do as much as you can, in a loving and positive way, to bring light and love to the earth, I find that the plants are most receptive to being grown, and the loving energy that you give to them each day is tremendously important to theirs and yours well-being.

The plants most often reflect, in some ways, your own energetic resonance at that moment, they can express to you when you are in balance, and when you are not through the way they grow and how they respond to you. You can also see so much in the way that you plant, are you planting with thought and intention? Are you planting with your heart? Are you simply planting to plant? What is your intentions? Are you committing deeply to take care of those lives that you have bought? Are you treating them as the lives they deserve to be treated as? All of these things nature reflects for us deep within our being.

Many times after planting I will go to take a shower and see flashes of my plants within my mind, and at other times I will hear words or phrases, and what I find is that the plants will actually, energetically communicate to you their needs. They will tell you when they are happy, and unhappy, they will let you know if they need water, and they will even let you know how they feel. They are a life, and they are truly valuable.

Planting plants has helped me to see the symbiosis of nature. You see, with plants you are able to take the fruit from them with permission, and the plant continues to grow. You are nurished, and they are nurished.

Kryon says that it is not appropriate to judge anyone who choses to eat meat, and that the bodies and akash of each person will decide what is appopriate for their body, for myself personally, I have found not eating meat to be tremendously rewarding.

With animals, when their life ends, that is it, the life ends, and their Spirit journey's forward. Kryon has stated that animals do not have the Consciousness that we have, and that certain ones have come here specifically for different reasons. I personally, am not sure at this moment I completely agree, yet me and Kryon have many talks about these things, and it is appropriate for us to have certain filters while upon the earth.

For me, when I look within my cats eyes I see the wisdom of ages. I see two of the most loving beings anyone could possibly have with them, and I see such a crone type wisdom that is present there that is very sacred to me. They are so spiritually aware, and even at times they will sit and meditate with me. I must say that over the time they have begun meditations with me they have become much more evolved than when we started.

They communicate deeply with me through pictures, and in both of them I sense deep emotions. I see a powerful intelligence in them that is so wonderful it warms my hearts at times.

When industries take the life of an animal, there is no symbiosis. The animal does not benefit from its consumption, while when we eat the fruits or other substances from the plants, both are benefited in a symbiotic relationship.

I like to keep my plants growing, and I keep plants with me that are symbiotic in this type of relationship, where you can take from the plant and the plant will continue to live on. I find this type of relationship with what I eat to be so tremendously loving, and also to be very healthful for my being.

I have also found that your food response to your thoughts and intentions as well. If you do not like what you are eating, the food knows that and so does your body, and that will be the energy you take within you. If you hold pure love for what you are eating, you transform the very molecules and atoms within that food, and your body recognizes that intent deeply.

I have found that getting up each morning and holding powerful positive intentions for myself has been tremendously rewarding. I also send love and light as much as possible to where it is appropriate upon the earth. Kryon says that you must not co-create for others, but only for yourself, and that by changing your own inner light, others shall see that light and change with you.

I live with people and interact with people often that are not lightworkers, and I do notice over time how they have grown with me, even coming to accept and be comfortable with concepts they would have never accepted otherwise.

You see, it is not so much what we convince others of that changes them, but us living our Truths in each moment. When we live our life, and act in each moment in loving, positive, joyful, and heartfelt ways, living from our Heart Chakra and radiating that outward towards others in everything we do and be, others begin to notice that love that you are radiating and that is when they will begin to change and not before.

That does not mean we cannot pray for others, or care to send them loving energy, it just means that no matter what we think about their beliefs we must honor their path in life, for their soul's have chosen to incarnate upon the earth for those specific reasons.

The other thing that I have remembered lately is for all of us to remember as Light Workers that each of us have our own path. It is so tempting at times to believe that we hold the absolute Truth, but remember that our dear brothers and sisters have also come in with a path and mission and it was to do and be exactly what they are doing and being in this moment, even when we may not understand.

It is also so important, I feel, for us not to seperate. We are so powerful when we embrace our Unity Consciousness, meaning that we stay connected as family. You do not have to embrace anyone's paths or teachings, but don't throw them out. Don't throw out a member of our family simply because you don't like their teachings. No family deserves that (from Kryon Book VII).

I have also found that I quite enjoy walking meditations. I will often go out walking somewhere between 9-12 miles, simply asking along the way, "Dear Spirit, what don't I know now, that the knowing of which could change everything for the better? Dear Spirit, how might I serve? Dear Spirit, how can I bring more light and love to my family? Dear Spirit, where might I go, what might I do?"

And then it is so important to go in and listen to what your higher self is speaking to you. Most often Spirit speaks in pictures, and you can always tell if it is truly spirit for you get this warm, loving glow in your heart and in your solar plexus. The pure unconditional love is unmistakable.

Most often as well, Spirit doesn't say, go post what I said. No, instead Spirit or your Higher Self will say, "GO EMPOWER YOU!" Go out there, and write from your heart. Be YOU. Love YOU. And LIVE YOU. You have no idea just how powerful you are, human being, and what a gift your life is in this moment.

And then go out and live that. Go be around others, find others to talk to, go to places you feel called. For it is within our interaction with others that we find our Truth, our Love, and our Abundance in each moment.

I have quit watching television for the most part. Occasionally I will feel that a particular movie is worth watching, or there might be a game that I feel will be beneficial, but it has now become only if there is a positive spiritual intention behind it.

I have seen now just how tremendously powerful words and sounds are to our energetic being and our Consciousness, and so I am very careful about what I choose for my reality.

The real message I have learned is about the power of the human being, and I have come to love so much the human being. We are so special, so beautiful, and so powerful when we realize the Divinity within us. Truly, there is so much there for us to explore, to be, and to accept, when we will allow ourselves to do and be so. Spirit and our Higher Selves are unconditional love, and really, so are we when we are not here.

You are a piece of God, a Divine Being of Love and Light. These are more than words, these are Divine Truths; however you may choose to view them, and the Truth will remain the Truth, whether we agree or not.

I have truly come to love my life. When I went to the mental health facility for 5 days, that was when I was able to truly appreciate my life for what it was. I think sometimes it is those moments, when we are brought to our knees before God and our Higher Self, that we sometimes find our greatest Strength and our Greatest Truth, and really, our gratitude, yet it does not have to be situations such as that to bring you to where you need to be.

If you can go within, and find the God there, and begin to honor your Higher Self, you really begin to understanding your Truth as a limitless being. As a being of Light and Love.

Before ever judging anothers path, go within and find the person who started it, the source that created it, YOU. Ramtha says that all conflicts outside of ourselves are about relevance and I agree. We wish to be relevant spiritually, relevant in our families, and relevant even with ourselves, yet, when we go within and find the source. There is no need to be in conflict over relevance.

Nothing that happens outside you has anything to do with anything outside you. Very hard to accept at times, even for me, yet I know it is the Truth. All that we experience at some level we created it, and so having created it, it is up to us to own it, and then change it.

Yet, dear family, THE FAMILY loves you so dearly and has such compassion for you, do you realize that? There is no condemnation and no judgement, and there are times when it is most appopriate to show compassion and weep, regardless of what we may know to be truth or not. There is human appropriateness, and it is beautiful.

I just so much love our children of this world, and I see how much it is our grand responsbility to pave the way for their future. The light and love that we embody within our beings is the Light and Love that the children of our future shall come into and walk through, and this being the planet of free choice, we always have the option to change it.

Dear family, know that I love you and that I care for you, always.

I love to get to know you better as family, be active, participate in a real way by being you. You are valuable, you are worthy, and you are so deserving to be loved and be part of this existence in a family type way.

With love and light,

Lesley (AmethystLight)



Thanks for sharing.  I

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

Thanks for sharing.  I enjoyed your post.


Love Nageeta