Diaries of the Heart by Lesley (Kiara), Truth Lived in Love...(2)

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This week has been quite involved. I feel deeply connected to my emotions during this time. It feels at once absolutely wonderful to feel so deeply within my being, and the sensitivity I feel within is deeply amazing. I have been crying quite a bit lately, and lots of tears have come from a deep cleansing I am feeling deep within. I feel connected once again to the “I feel”, part of my being, and allowing myself to feel these emotions in meditation, walking or sitting, is helping to release and cleanse so many aspects of my being at this sacred time.
And that is the energy I am holding onto the most, “This sacred time.” I have realized deeply that our intentions are the fuel that tends to the Sacred Fire of our reality, and so each day, for us to keep the sacred purifying fire going, we have to add more wood perhaps to that fire, to tend it properly. That wood, which is the natural part of our co-creation with the earth, I feel, is a symbol for how when we give to the earth, we get back from the earth, and so the more love, light, joy, and Truth, we live and experience giving to the earth and others around us, the more that sacred fire of our heart is tended to, and gets bigger and brighter each day.
I feel like a lot of people right now are asking others for answers, or perhaps giving answers, to where the earth is going, or perhaps what they should expect, I have not ever really been interested in this. For me, it is about holding personal intentions, and then fulfilling that each day. One of my prayers to my higher self has been, “My Higher Self, how might I lovingly serve? Where might I go? What might I do?”
The days of us always trying to figure out what is going to come next I feel are over, well for some I would imagine, others are still needing that linearity I feel. It gives them deep comfort to know what is going to come next, and that is appropriate. If that is what gives them comfort in this time, it is for them to do and be so, without us judging them in any way.
However, the Truth as I know it is that there is only now, and there is no time. What will happen we will know when it happens, and I feel deeply at this time that our guides are asking us to Trust ourselves, and to go within and do our work.
That has taken a lot of work on my part lately, as I have had to go within and trust my heart completely. Sometimes in one moment the answer will be yes, later I will ask again and it will be no. Things are changing fast. I have had to ever day put out my intentions, and trust that whatever happened after that was the appropriate thing, in divine timing.
Reading Kryon, it is my interpretation of Kryon to say that Spirit often gives us the answers in the last possible second. The reason for this is that there is only now to Spirit, and there is such a thing as divine timing.
So you may feel that you are co-creating, and then nothing is happening, when that is not the Truth. Things are happening, but all is in divine timing. Your only task I feel is to get up every day, co-create, and then Trust spirit.
Whatever else you do, really, is completely up to you. No longer are we in the phase of this is what you “have” to do. Obviously since this is the Golden Age of Love, the New energy is one of Love and Compassion, and so to be in resonance with that Love and Compassion, that would be the energy for you to align yourself with I feel.
Yet, each person is going to be in their own being at this time. Each one has their own objectives and goals to attend to.
There is no One Truth, except that of Unconditional Love and Unity, that I feel would be Universally beneficial to all at this time.
Rather, I feel we are being guided to come together as much as we can, and to communicate deeply with one another from our hearts, and to Love and hold Compassion as much as possible.
When the entire room is filled with Light and Love, and all people are working in harmony energetically, or perhaps all the energy is now working in Unity with Light and Love, those who are still holding onto the old energy will stick out quite a bit.
And I felt deeply that was important to say, for our awareness of those who are not in alignment is becoming quite a bit more clear, and our discernment is becoming even clearer.
The nice thing about this though, is that in a room full of Light, darkness is not going to hang around as long. Oh yes, there will still be situations that are difficult, and yes, the earth still has much to go through, yet, I feel that the situations that do come up will not only resolve quicker, but at the same time, it will be more obvious to see them as they will quickly come to light.
There will be no more maybe’s in our discernment, it will be obvious, and we will have awareness of it immediately.
Yet, our first reaction will be to have compassion and love, not to have judgment, and that will be the major difference as well. Unlike before in the old energy where separation consciousness always told us to judge or perhaps separate, our first action rather than reaction will be to love each other unconditionally.
That Golden Christ Consciousness is where I see us headed.
Had a wonderful day yesterday that was intensely transformative at a New Temple I visited. The people there were absolutely amazing and I had a deep connect with the Divine Feminine within me. This is the energy that I have felt most to connect with lately, and it feels more and more that the earth is connecting with the Divine Feminine aspect of our beings.
Yes, of course there is always balance, but I feel that it is this Divine Feminine aspect that is most needed upon the earth at this time, and so it is this Mother Consciousness that is coming forward to help us nurture ourselves in each moment.
I feel at this time the more time you can spend in nature the easier the transition will be as it will be stabilizing and grounding for all aspects of our being. Also, what we give to the earth is more and more being seen to be a symbiotic, co-creative experience. Those who already were well aware of the effects of the earth upon our being will most likely be used to this experience, and so no change is necessary, yet, those who spend so much time indoors and around electronics may find themselves slowly becoming unable to be present in the energies of this time without making some kind of change to how they are living, as our entire beings are becoming more sensitive to the energies around us.
Great time to start a garden, or give back to the earth in any way you can. A great way I have found to find out more about how you can help is to connect to the unconditionally loving fairy energy and the nature spirits that are present around you . You can ask The Divine Creator every day to send waves and waves unconditional love and light to all your plants and any areas of the earth you feel are appropriate.
This time is not about how many blogs you can post, or furthering your career, though it is my hope that everyone will have enough to feed their families, and the ability to help in whatever way you can, it is just that how we attain those things is changing. It is now that we are being asked to get together and realize that our True Power unfolds through Unity with One another, not that you are not infinitely powerful on your own, it is just that we are now all being Conscious that when we come together is when we find ourselves the most. Our Unified Field of Love and Light.
Hope that helps, with love,
Lesley/Kiara (Aum Rah)
Amethyst Light/Hearts Light