~A Different Perspective On First Contact~

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Written By Earth Ally Will Harader


 Cloaked Ships Hanging out Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader


I'd like to dispel any preconceptions about what First Contact looks like. Humanity has dreams of enormous Starships flying through the atmosphere, and forever changing the Earth's relationship to the Universe at large. I'm not saying this isn't what it's going to look like, but that's only one aspect. For many people, First Contact has already happened. In fact, for a tiny portion of the population, Contact has been happening for thousands of years.


The Extra-Terrestrial Beings aren't so alien as many people believe. They've been visiting Humanity for quite some time, but people have had many different words for them. They've called them angels, djinn, devas, tenshi and Ascended Masters among other things. Recently, there's been talk of cloudships, Starships that take the form of clouds, but is this really something new? The angels were said to live in the clouds, the genies (djinn) rode around on clouds, and you can find many more references of angelic beings coming from or living in the clouds if you search through the various cultural mythologies. In many of the recent reports of Contact with Extra-Terrestrials, these glowing Beings come down from the sky. This is another pattern you can see repeated all throughout history.

More: ~A Different Perspective On First Contact~
