Ida Lawrence, Contributor
Waking Times
I woke up this morning feeling inexplicably happy… with a ‘little kid looking forward to a fun day’ spirit. What happened? Circumstances haven’t changed, but then again who knows?
Some people say we do dimensional jumping, and there are many dimensions to slip into, all with a different feel, which would explain some of our mood changes. If that’s the case, I’ve been in one of the ‘everything is divine’ versions of my life.
Or, it could be the lingering effect of a heavenly night in the dream world. Maybe I met up with my sweetheart and we had a goooood-time. Or maybe I saw, in my dreams, that love conquers all, and it all works out for all of us, to our highest good, and heaven never left, and hell never came, and we’ve just been engaged in the ‘Evolve’ movie series, this one entitled, Humans Bring God Home.