Dimensional Phasing Has Begun

Doreen Smith's picture


 September 5, 2013

fifth dimension

Are you surprising anyone as of late?  Do you seem to be sneaking up on people with the skills of a great ninja?  Do you walk among crowds and go unnoticed until you wish to be?

The separation has begun, and although you are in the world with others you are starting to be a mere shadow passing by.  The vibrational frequencies are becoming great enough to allow you to be unnoticed as you travel about.  Each person you pass will either see you or not, based on their level of personal vibration.


Those who are still weighed down by fear caused by tv programming will be the first to not notice you.  Among them will even be some that consider themselves lightworkers.  Lightworker label or not, the weight of constant fear is a great burden on people’s vibrational level.

Release your fears and fill in the holes with love for self.  It is only in this way that you willcontinue on your path up the vibrational spiral towards your new Earth reality.  You’re not leaving Earth but it will be “different”.

One last thing.  If this is true for you at this time, you should also expect to start seeing glimpses of orbs passing you going about their travels.  Say hello as they go by.




