Disclosure 2012

Doreen Smith's picture

This video is from Dec 9, 2010. I don't remember this ever being brought to the public's attention....This is the most amazing display of the Galactic fleet I've seen.. My heart lept at the sight...We're all waiting for full disclosure and we know it will be very soon now...With the round-up of the dark cabal taking place world wide as we've been told and shown recently, it won't be long until disclosure is brought to the public by the media who've been controled by the cabal for so long. The truth will finally be brought to light about our star family. The fear that has been promoted will instead be turned into pure LOVE in receiving our galactic family...


Soon we will personally meet our brothers and sisters who have patiently and lovingly waited for this time in the history of mankind to unfold...How very blessed we all are to be on this planet to witness the healing of Gaia, our own spiritual healing, mankind's ascension and meeting our  star family....I can hardly wait...


Many thanks go out to all who are so diligent in filming the activity in our skies...Keep up the fantastic work..May you always have camera in hand and follow the urgings of the angels to LOOK UP and film!

Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! :) <3 NOW! Doreen
