Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative
Notice: Throughout December the White House "We the People" website experienced significant technical difficulties. Many thousands of people had problems creating an account and/or logging in and/or signing a petition. PRG received scores of emails from angry and frustrated potential petition signers. Furthermore, the "We the People" section was frequently down for maintenance. Consequently, all petitions submitted in December had little chance of reaching the 25,000 signature threshold for a formal response - Disclosure Petition II included. PRG has confirmed these problems with a White House staffer and has been told they are being fixed.
Therefore, "Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative" will be resubmitted to "We the People" sometime in January accompanied by a considerable amount of media and web promotion. [Note: the resubmitted petition will have a new direct link.] This petition is specifically formulated to challenge the White House formal statement of November 4, 2011 that, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."
Disclosure Petition I and the White House response generated more media coverage worldwide than all other posted petitions combined. The political media have taken notice. Should Disclosure Petition II quickly acquire the needed 25,000 signatures, the impact on the Disclosure process could be dramatic. But this depends upon you.
If you already have an account open at "We the People," get ready to sign Disclosure Petition II and the Need to Know petition in January. If you do not yet have an account, go to www.whitehouse.gov/petitions and create one now. Anyone from any nation can open an account and sign petitions.
The current submission of Disclosure Petition II will remain active through December 31. Feel free to sign it for practice.
World Disclosure Day - July 8
WDD is a little more than six months away and all are invited to consider how to use that day to draw attention to the Disclosure advocacy process - YouTube videos, small conferences, documentary premieres, private showings of past documentaries, email campaigns, article submissions to op-ed pages, iReports, Twitter blitzes, concerts, Occupy NASA (just kidding), whatever. July is the one, two, three month. UFO Day - July 2; Roswell Festival - July 1-3; World Disclosure Day - July 8. 2012 seems to be about the end of one paradigm and the beginning of another. Celebrate the new paradigm in July. Say goodbye to the old paradigm in December.
Dr. Roger Leir
Vince White
Two very good men who have pursued the truth regarding the ET reality are struggling right now. Roger Leir has been in and out of the hospital dealing with several conditions. Vince White has been challenged by severe Parkinsons for many years and, of course, it is a progressive illness. Roger's friends and supporters may post messages of encouragement on his Facebook page linked above where you will also find his email address. Vince's friends and supporters are asked to email good wishes to the address above.
PRG is always mindful of the tireless devotion so many have given to the truth process with little or no compensation save for the appreciation of their friends and colleagues.
SETI Saved by Space Command
If anyone has any doubts as to how important the SETI program is to the government's need for a pressure release valve to keep people from thinking they don't care about extraterrestrials, they can now set them aside.
Apparently Jodi Foster's quote is not as high as it used to be and she didn't have enough money to keep the radio telescopes beaming after Paul Allen lost faith. So who turned up to save the day but the U. S. Air Force Space Command. That would be the military organization charged with ensuring space is utilized to defend the country against all foes foreign or domestic. It would seem they want SETI's Allen Array to focus on those recently found planets just to be sure there isn't any life on them that could turn up at our doorstep and start taking away jobs from American citizens, or worse, might show up in battle cruisers carrying weapons of mass destruction. You can never be too careful.
Good Science Always Has Political Ramifications
Scientific American recently published a salient piece on the nexus of politics and science - a connection often misunderstood and misrepresented.. Now if only this pointy headed publication was aware the greatest politics/science drama in history is playing now on a stage in its parking lot. Of course, it was the SA Editor who wrote Robert Goddard in1940 that Goddard's idea of a rocket-accelerated airplane bomb was, "too far-fetched to be considered." Three years later German V2 missiles rained down on London.
Upcoming Conferences
Los Angeles, CA - February 10-12 (Bassett speaking)
Fountain Hills, AZ - February 22-26
College Park, MD - February 29 - March 2
Eureka Springs, AR - April 13-15
Glen Rose, TX - May 19-20
Louisville, KY - October 10-14 (Bassett speaking)
Paradigm Research Group