Discovering Truth for Yourself

will's picture

We don't want anybody to be dependent upon the Galactic Free Press for truth in their life. If that has happened, we're doing you a great disservice. If you put your faith in something outside, if you rely upon someone or something else to tell you the truth, you're really disempowering yourself. We're not kidding when we say every Human Being Is God, and not the religious "gods" created by the mind, but a Living Expression of the Divine.

People are terrified of this though, it's a level of personal responsibility that few want to accept. It's much easier to let society or some spiritual guru tell you how you're supposed to live your life. Much more simple that way and if it doesn't work out, you get to blame something else for the way your own life is. It's very comfortable and convenient, and it's most likely the way you've been taught to behave by society.

What if you gave all that up right now? You could, in every moment exists the possibility of radical change, though most have an abundance of fears that still hold them back. Monetary worries, familial worries, as if fear is the main motivating factor in life and Love is just some luxury. People believe these changes are so difficult and while that's probably true, it's not the difficulty that really holds you back. It's the belief that you're not strong enough to face those difficulties.

This is why it's so important to get in touch with your own Divine Self, to find your own connection to Truth. To discover for yourself what a beautiful, strong, and amazing BEING YOU REALLY ARE. You can't find this through someone or something else though, if you do that you're subtly denying your own Higher Self. No, you have to discover it, to create it for yourself.

People are reliant upon governments, systems, religions and gurus. I wonder if people really believe this is a good way of doing things, or if they're just afraid of the alternative. You've likely been indoctrinated to believe that you need someone else to tell you what to do, to tell you how to think. Society programs you to be dependent upon society, and oppressively enforces this. What really makes you beautiful and Unique is still there though, no matter how hidden underneath all of the fear and self-denial you were taught.

How do you get in touch with the connection to Truth (God) that you hold within? I wish it were that simple, but each person's path is their own, I just share my own observations. For the fear-based ego, this is a disappointing thing, having to find your own path to the Divine. It wants an easy shortcut, which is really just trying to walk someone else's path. To the real Being though, it's a wondrous adventure where you get to create an even more amazing YOU every single day.


The Galactic Free Press
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