by Love Reporter Dr Georgi Stankov
Universal Law Press

Individually, Humanity will have a choice which time line to follow.
Changes immanent to current old structures and institutions.
Earth will undergo geophysical movements with magnetic pole reversal.
New dimensional portals will be accessible with proper preparation.
January 9, 2012 - Munich, Germany - With all of the media hype and misinformation about the prophecies and various beliefs involving 2012, science is now revealing proof of impending changes that are about to take place. By focusing on Energetic Gradient's, the Universal Law in Physics, and the General Theory of Biological Regulation in Bio-Science and Medicine, Dr Georgi Stankov is now providing quantitative proof that significant global (and personal) changes are about to take place.
“The world will not end in 2012, and even the phrase 'end-of-times' is grossly misunderstood.” says Dr. Stankov. “When we finally come to understand the truth of our multidimensional nature and learn to observe our reality beyond the illusion of third dimensional existence, and explore and expand upon our perceptual nature and drop the conceptual, then we all can very naturally adapt to the impending changes that are about to come”.
Higher vibrational energetics are now coming to our Earth that conventional science has been unable to detect or elaborate on using antiquated technologies. However, people throughout the world are reporting that something 'feels' different without being able to specify exactly what that is. Certainly we can all observe various social changes taking place daily in the media. However, few will be prepared to adapt to the profound events about to take place.
Economic Collapse
While Global Financial markets drama has certainly been well reported on in 2011, very few have understood or reported on the source cause of these anomalies from an energetic perspective. The manipulation and control by the world banking cartel will soon end resulting in the complete collapse of institutions worldwide. “Energetically there has been a very dense, dark process corrupting the financial industry.” reports Stankov. “With the higher vibrational energetics now pervading our Earth, people involved in this sector will start coming forward with the truth of these crimes, and a financial collapse will ensue resulting from a complete loss of trust and faith in the system”. These events will not take place by accident, but is being orchestrated by these higher vibrational energetics in an effort to wake up the masses to their attachments to an illusion of material existence.
Magnetic Pole Shift
While Hollywood gave us their interpretation of such an event in the 2012 movie, the reality and purpose of such an event is much different. The higher energetics currently taking place around the world will in fact affect the Earth and yes, a pole shift will soon take place in the first half of this year (not on December 21). Yes, there will be significant geophysical movements taking place and unfortunately there may also be a significant loss of lives around the world. However, the purpose of such an event is not based upon developing survival instincts, but rather an attempt again to wake up humanity around the world to their higher dimensional existence.
Religious Institutions will begin to collapse
As more people around the world are exposed and affected by this higher vibrational form of energy, they will begin to turn away in even larger numbers from the old religious institutions that have imposed their own form of manipulation and control over populations for thousands of years, and resulting in endless strife and conflict. Similar to the old financial institutions, these organizations will begin to collapse under the weight of the exposure of a corrupt hierarchy and criminal activities. People will begin to realize that religious activities and belief systems have been a distraction to the truth of their multidimensional nature where the answers they have always sought, can now be found within themselves, given the support of these new higher vibrational energetics.
December 21, 2012 – The Division Between Two Times Lines
While the Mayan Calendar prophesies have been grossly exaggerated and misinterpreted, there has been recent clarification that this date is associated with the discovery of a fifth element. This elemental is Ether (hence; Energetics). Also, recently Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan recently spoke on this topic and can be viewed on the following link:
Dr. Stankov has documented in scientific detail exactly what these dynamic time lines represent, how they work within ourselves and throughout the world, and why we might want to give serious consideration into investigating them further before these profound changes take place. “There are a number of people around the world who have already responded to these higher vibrational energetics, and have evolved what I call the Light Body Process (LBP).” Georgi indicates. “They have developed an awareness and now utilize their own personal energetics at a significantly higher level then most of humanity. This is not something that is exclusive to a small number of chosen ones. It is available to everyone on the planet.”
For more information and details relating to this scientific body of evidence, and to learn more how one can take steps to prepare for the impending changes due take place, please visit Stankov's Universal Law Press, The New General Theory of the Universal Law at: