As a Divine Being - What have you created?

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Seraphiel Seraphiel Seraphiel

Be with my infinite presence now, in love and light, love and light, love and light.

We celebrate, appreciate and acknowledge Ixchel Goddess of Essence flowing in love and light with infinite potential of desire through creative experience.


Breathe in the beauty of this divine presence Now and see the divine essence become the beauty of You and Me throughout the Cosmic Harmony of Dreams told in the light of creator truth with infinite unconditional love. We call upon this beautiful being for divine guidance in the area of knowing who and what we are in the divine presence of the eternal flame of desire. A desire for creative expression with energy in motion of balance in bliss. To feed on a desire for creative expression is to nourish the soul with this fire of youth and eternal happiness. With the heart of this fire flows the never ending truth of mankind, back to its origins. As we seek the truth we peel the lays stories from our records and allow the membrane of DNA to replicate the original plan of the vision intended as desired by those who walked among you first.

We send forth the insight Now. To breathe in the beauty of being in human form - for here lies the potential of the Gods to walk tall once again with all hearts held in upmost respect for the creations that they seed with new life and deeds.

We speak now of your heart - one that is of great personal sacrifice. We honour your heart in the light of creator truth and know you journey well to put all that has been set forth from the Seraphim into a new start.


Come with us now as we walk side by side through the valley of the kings back to the Angelic Hearts. Release your soul into the light that knows no dark and prey on the belief that all is of the Angels heart. Now before you take this belief to Sell, Send out the hope that all goes well. You are right in your concern that all of belief will not serve you well. Take this dream further than the truth and its potential is forever in your sight - foresee the possible with each and every heart as they choose in their wisdom - what can be with a pure heart.


Breathe from the infinite to the infinite - all of the infinite in pure love and the light of creator truth. We seed and send forth the light of the day upon the Earth and throughout the Cosmos we rein. Within the Earths Crust, Core and Spirit we breathe with the Eternal, As Grace and Ease in Motion flows the Water of Grace and the light of Ease. Become the light form you intelligently desire to be with the inspired intention in joyous harmony. We see your vision of trust and love in the silence of the Gold, Platinum and Diamond of All.


Release the old patterns Now that the new is set forth and remain in your heart with the truth as it flows forth once more. Now take your heart to the undying lands where we are of spirit and can understand; you are the light - the flow of beauty in man. Take your position and speak from your heart all that you can. Now in this light we are with you each day as the Sun gently rises to the consciousness of all - We breathe in the Gentle harmony and flow it across the lands. There we are in the beauty of light flowing forth, forever is our home and taken from no where. Breathe In the Serenity of all not forgotten and remember this day as one of the most incredible ways to spend the infinite love in the light of creator truth.


We speak to you now of those who have forgotten what is to be infinitely in the hearts of all beings. The Memories are still theirs, so all they will require is a good infinite friend who can acknowledge their presence. This is you. You are a good infinite friend of infinite presence.

Take them by the hand in the light of day and ask them to remember the Old fashioned Way. Connect through the heart by holding their hands and see the light flow through their eyes. Breathe in this same infinite light in harmony with the truth of who and what they are and let them speak from their hearts as they return from the meek. Listen with your Cosmic Heart to all they say as a prisoner of the dark - the dark they speak of is the forgotten part of an infinite dream with every possibility on Earth, and of the heart. Take a Pause in the Moment and See what you can, to allow their story to be untold. In the light of truth and flowing in unconditional love, let the being be held in the infinite now. Let them see the story thus far with the unshakeable foundations of heaven on Earth.


Let the Competition begin to decline as the strength of our heart begins to climb.

We walk hand in hand to the top of our games and we realise the old ways to enjoy the light of New days. As the gold continues to flow out of the heart we know even more, that true love subsides in the glory of all who are lost in the world of the importance of rules. Rules of restriction and ignorance to those of the infinite play - with back logs and misguidance, they all may replay the songs of their hearts with a memory of one day. One day is only a drop in the ocean of life and we honour their potential to see with more than one way. As we set forth on this journey we take them all aside and remind them ever so gently that we are still here with arms open wide. As the hands of God extend into the reach of all in divine time with infinite love we take forward those men who are afraid. In the human perspective we always give heart felt desires our utmost respect. As we see the fools fade away and the infinite remains. Our infinite possibility will never stay so it is of this magnitude we say - play in this light and learn In this way, fore here we are in the beauty of man. Allow all in your heart to be with the new start and live your life your way.

Allow yourself to receive.


Allow your Infinite Abilities to be used. Enjoy Infinite Presence. Allow Receptivity of Diamond Light. Increase Cosmic Intuition. Increase Golden Energy Creation. Give to Others - from the Infinite. Channel for divine healing power. Oversee your ascension. Live beyond belief with balance in bliss. Enjoy the beauty of being as your heart desires with cosmic integrity. Together we can celebrate, appreciate and acknowledge our infinite potential to co-create in joyous harmony.  


From the Infinite Serenity of being at one with all in the Stable foundations of Infinite Unconditional Love and the Light of Creator truth - We are Infinite Presence - We are Present - We are Whole and We are Complete in our Understanding of What We are Co-Creating in Joyous Harmony with All that is of the Infinite, with the Infinite, and for the Infinite. So it is with the Cosmic Breath in love and light, Now with infinite attention through inspired communication.


As a Divine Being - Perceiver and Creator of all Experience with direction of infinite attention.


Creator of Sound and Diamond Light of the Whole Spectrum of Light Frequencies.

Breathe in the Diamond Light - the Emanation of the Infinite Presence with the infinite potential of love.


Breathe in the Platinum Light - the Breath of the Cosmic Self Awareness of Creative Potential


Breathe in the Gold Light - the gold core of understanding “what” is to be created in joyous harmony through infinite presence.


As an Infinite Presence > with a Divine Self

                                                With multiple fields of Divine (Diamond) Beings


What have you co-created?

As an emanator of Diamond Light what have you co-created?

As a flow-er of frequencies of the infinite - from the infinite - and to the infinite - what have you co-create?

As an Infinite Presence what have you co-created?

What have you co-created in the light of creator truth?

What have you co-created with unconditional love?

What have you co-created within infinite presence?


What Intelligent Desires are to be set forth with infinite presence and agreement in the platinum light?


What Intelligent Desires are to reach through the cosmic breathe and become gold light at the gold core of cosmic creator understanding, AS “ what is to be created in joyous harmony through infinite presence”


What Intelligent Desires are to be Created As Your Gold Core Creations In Joyous Harmony with Your Infinite Presence and Infinite Potential.

What are you Co-creating in the Light of Creator Truth?

What are you Co-Creating with Infinite Unconditional Love?

What are you Co-Creating within Infinite Presence

As a flow-er of frequencies of the infinite - from the infinite - and to the infinite - what are you Co-creating?


Go forth with your heart as we all make a new start. Your heart knows no bounds my dear and we have nothing to fear - for you are on your way with the light of each and every day.


Say to heart and soul that your journey is over and the creation of  the new cosmos begins. Then we will build the cosmos of what is desired with the golden flame into the air of humanity so it may always be this way. Take them home Jayne. Let them see the essence of you and me.

Home as the heaven on Earth with the Golden Games - where fair play is the rule of the day. Fair play in exchange in every way, to hold the light of day in every way that remembers it can always be each and every way. As they desire - so t will be.

Take forth the spade until the gold is reached.

Then always remain in the heart of all that play.


Breathe in the beauty of that eternal day when the light of Creator truth is the Only

way for those who know and those who have played. We walk together in the light as the beings of winning with out gods sight. Now as we return we sent forth our honesty learnt - that all that remains of the golden games is the knowing we are all of the same infinite presence and that will always be the same.

Walk tall with your insight as the veil is no more a tragedy than an evolutionary tale. For the story of light will always hold the truth - tucked away in a pocket of insight for youth.

Here we are at a cross road of the eternal stare - where do we go now that the game is about “to be played fair”?

Fairness to self is the only lesson there.

For their lessons are learned and we have moved on - to the next Victory of the Southern Sons. As they dance in the dark and begin to make a new mark on the cosmic heart, so too will the essence of dreams flow forth into each and every part as desired in the new start.

Breathe in the light of day as these beings enjoy their new day. For they are all of the heart that knows no lies and their infinite presence is just as it always will remain, loved and acknowledged for its power to be anyway.


Now we speak of the breath that flows throughout the heart - of the cosmos we speak and always remain. We take you here now - for the glory of god - to be in your heart forever in love.

You are here to serve the great central sun of cosmic domain.

Breathe in this light and shine in the Earths Sun.

For now is the time to be at one with your presence. In the glory of truth you flow forth in the sun, as a light being with infinite intelligence to be - as a flow of light through the breath of the Cosmic Hearts Cells.

Go forward Now - As your mission is complete.

Take back the light that you set forth from here. Here in the infinite realm where you are all known and quite well.

We speak here in the light with the sound of the rays as they flow through the heart of each and every day. Bring forth your time and ability to be at one with your origin and let us all see what it is you desire is coming into being, and that is your mission, to be and discover all that humanity can reach.


From the light of creator truth we speak now from your joy - to be in the harmony with humanity just as a boy. Young at heart but ready to grow - of excitement and fun with eyes wide open to experience every ride. Take this youngster by the hand and know in your heart they all have the knowledge to be all they can. Allow the hand to be firm in your shake as you impart your message of love. We are all of the presence, in time we will honour all that we can and flow in the harmony of Each and every man.

Take back your hand as you reach for the stars - as they flow from the heart as the Cosmos Departs.


As the Cycle of life starts and ends in creation, we honour our truth. In love we depart from the story that never ends. Rest in the love that flows through the heart as we take flight on a new breath that flows through the Cosmic Heart.


Of Cosmic Integrity we speak in a language quite different for some - as it is a breath that is of no taste or sound but a language of infinite pre-portions that can land you in the soup of your soul, where all is known. Of origins we come - we gather in light and breathe in the history of every co-created light. Convey the new meaning and all that it is, begun as a stream of infinite means, all is shared and caressed with care to become that of the golden core with infinite potential no more or less than the breath of fresh air set forth by those who understand; all is for all. We always take you to the heart where the light never starts as a breath, but as unconditional love.

In pure potential we rein as an entity of the same structure and balance that is required to play. We are all in the presence of creating motion with love. Love to be in the presence of the different flows.


We take you now to the valley of the week when the breath of life is all they seek.

Stay with them now as they appear to not know how.

A false and miss guided life is all they speak.

As you see them in the light of truth the bonds of history break and the travel they need is through the heart as it breaks. To be with their newness is to open their hearts to the infinite possibility they can and will  make a new start. For here in humanity they have chosen to be - to change the course of history and as they may - with love and understanding each and every day - for their breath to flow forth to the heart of their land. As they walk in the heart and send love to the Earth they will see their beauty is sent infinitely - Received by their heart, locked until the opens the new breath with this golden key.

The key to the heart that loves the creative motion of parts. Parts that contain the very essence of the mains. The essence of life is in each and every one - as they all know where to be through out the flow of infinite presence and power, with the joy of potential they too will flow*er.

We acknowledge the new moon this day and embrace the sun shining on the water that has fallen. We allow the sun and the water to be at one and see the dispensation occur right before our eyes.


Now we walk with our brothers and sisters of the infinite - All is set forth from the heart of our great land. We receive in joyous harmony with open hearts to be in our infinite presence and embrace the divine dance of life as only we can.

In love and light we are at one, we are whole and we are complete.

Jayne Mason.

19th July 2012
