Part I: The DNA
In 1953, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick determined the structure of the chemical molecule deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is the physical agent with which all the hereditary information is passed from generation to generation. During the early 60s, a lot of research was done to decode the way the DNA stored information. The genetic code was born that likens the information in the DNA to that of a book. It has to be in some interpretable language to be used the way it is used.
Millennia before the inception of molecular genetics and modern science, a wise, legendary Chinese philosopher, Fu Hsi, wrote a book that explained the laws governing consciousness through a code based on linear symbols. Many centuries after Hsi, a book on Qabbala magical thought came to the fore. The book talked about how creation is based on a set of 22 Hebrew alphabets. Known as I Ching and Sefer Yetzirah respectively, these speculative works on creation are much truer than once thought. They have deep similarities with the structure of the DNA. Each work compliments the other to give a complete analogy to the DNA.