02/08/2012 by Méline Lafont.
Lovely Ones,
We are the Dolphin Collective and we wish to share a message with you. We thank you that we may step forward, giving us the opportunity to spread our Love filled message out to you. Since a great many things are transpiring now and much is going on, we wish to send you lots of Love in these most important times. As Love has a purpose for practically EVERYTHING and is always really efficient, we now send our greatest Love to you and to Mother Earth. Embrace it well, it is our pleasure to help you this way.
What do you intend to do and what is in store for you? There is a lot to unfold, that’s for sure! Very much so!! Lovely ones, it is now very important to center yourselves properly and to ground you on this precious soul GAIA. You really assist Her when you send your own energy and Light through Her. This Light that is coming from your inner I supports Her in Her process of Ascension and eases it for Her as well as for all humanity. When you center and ground yourselves on her beloved crust and in her crystalline Heart you fortify your connection as 1 big collective. Give Her all your Love, take care of Her and nourish Her when necessary. Be always joyful and filled with Love, feel yourself as being unstoppable and go straight to the point : your Ascension.
And here you go, lovely ones, in a straight path to the finish line without once looking back. We congratulate you and we wish that you finalize this trip together with Monther Earth. Make the most of this last phase before Ascension, it will be the last experience you’ll have in this appearance and in these circumstances. The Earth school of learning is as good as finished ; you may nearly call yourselves the graduates in the specialization of Duality and of Illusion! Althouhg the Earth school implied tough experiences you have evolved enormously thanks to them. To learn that much, in such a short time frame, can only be achieved by real Masters and mentors. Mother Earth was the most appropriate candidate for this school and also for Her it will all come to an end now. She will again regain Her freedom and will continue to exist and evolve in Love.
You are truly loved by Mother Earth and by us, the water elements and nature. Don’t be mistaken ; they are so full of Love and praise for humanity as you evolve presently much faster than ever before, reaching a high degree of consciousness. All from Unconditional Love, despite everything! Dance, jump for joy, party, laugh out loud and do the things you like to do ; consider life now as a party. One big party in celebration of the fact that the illusion is coming to an end and a new, happy story will begin to unfold. You are arriving at your end destination at full speed , my lovely ones. All will unfold very quickly for you now. What has been shared through various messages of countless Beloved Ones who function as channelers for us, for Love and for the Lightworlds, will now effectively come to pass. Are you ready? We surely are and so are YOU!
We are the Dolphin Collective and we thank you for sharing this message. We love you!
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be