By Paul Lenda
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Many of us tend to put the things we truly adore and are passionate about on hold, with the intent to fulfill our wishes later on in life. The problem with this is that more often than not, later never comes, and our flame of life becomes extinguished. Alot of people feel that they will get to do all the things they dreamed of doing their entire lives once they retire. Once they reach retirement age (if they actually do retire) they find themselves either physically or financially unable to do those very things that they wished their entire lives they dreamed of doing. They fall into a deep depressive state in which they feel as if they had wasted all the wonderful opportunities they had early on in life when they were full of vitality, passion, and excitement. They now find themselves burnt out thanks to unhealthy the socio-economic system that they had agreed to conform to their entire lives.