~The Doorway Has Emerged!~
~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
As a human (speaking souly for myself here…lol) it is so easy to think you aren’t really doing much. But as I watch story lines change every single day… more details being added (not always in my own understanding, my inner eye seems to be way ahead of my own consciousness) and then finally… it starts to all make sense.
Before I share what is all coming together, I want to talk about my communication issues (smile.) Starting with later in the afternoon on Wednesday, my wifi calling signal seemed to go into major spasms. It has been (and continues thru this morning at least) moving in and out at a frequency of about 45 seconds to a minute. The signal is there, I may be able to dial out and say hello, then the signal drops, only to reappear again, and drop again. It is like it found its own rhythm… and could care less I need it to be stable to make a call or do a reading.
I thought I could outsmart the signal (don’t I wish lol) and unplugged my internet… then my phone… my 9am appt came and went with only a series of Hello’s happening. Knowing my 10am was in Switzerland, I decided to try skype for this connection. If I cannot hold a signal within the USA, going outside of it would have been even more challenging.
Funny how things work out. The skype session lasted long enough to give this amazing, wonder-filled man a message that last maybe 20 minutes. Then it happened… the skype signal went in and out, in and out to the point we barely said hello (again) when it dropped me and eventually just kicked me completely off skype.
I checked the sun… I knew it had to be the reason for the interference. Sure enough it has been spitting on the dark side every day, and then yesterday a full on earth flare.
What is really strange to me… even tho my calling signal was spazzing, my internet itself was steady. I could stream a moving, log onto my sites… just as long as I wasn’t trying to talk to someone lol.
Communication upgrade!! Yay????
I had gotten something even more than I realized from the amazing soul in Switzerland.
So, I am going to fill in as much detail today about the many things I have seen but didn’t understand at all.
The Field: It wasn’t until yesterday when I was doing my very first Hands of Light Massage session (since Oct.) did I fully understand that what I have been and continue to see as the round spiderwebby looking this I call the field is actually a timeline of energy.
I knew the field had tangible edges, I just never realized it was associated with Jan. 1st 2012 thru March 31st 2012… until yesterday. It was like a ton of bricks that say ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
The Doorway: In my fleeting moment in a Skype reading yesterday, I had seen the man’s energy field near a massive doorway that was housed somewhere in the last two weeks of March. This doorway is thick… I mean really thick, like a good foot and half or better thick. It is made of the most beautiful solid wood with a golden doorknob. I couldn’t understand what it meant to him at all. All I know it was incredibly good and he is working now to create the energy to open that doorway at the end of the March.
And then, I had my first massage session since Oct of last year. It was amazing! But thru the lady’s reading came that doorway again. I seen it even more clearly (maybe cuz I wasn’t worried about loosing connection lol) and there was the slightest movement of energy… opening.
I realized this is a global doorway.
That is also when I realized the fullness of this “field” too. This is our training ground. Adjusting, vibrating, using this high field of 6th dimensional energy (and eventually higher.) To use it, to work with it… requires a personal interactive relationship with it. Those who immerse themselves into the energy of this field… will move thru the doorway at the end of March. That is to say, work with it, listen to it, be One with it. Make it your new skin, not something “out there” for as long as it is out there, it remains out there.
Remember, we are now creating, manifesting from the inside out.
So, back to the doorway. From what I understand this morning, it has moved from the vault of potential (on the face of the cliff as I had seen it) into our very pathway. Whatever we are doing… WE are doing well!!
I want to also share this little vision I had a week or so ago (simply because it feels so very related, yet not sure how.) I was standing in my living room just filled to the brim with gratitude to be standing in such a place… LIVING in such a place that came together so magically on the wings of Love. I thought of my landlady who offered such a huge amount of trust to someone just because she could. I wished with all my heart that the floodgates of abundance would flow to her.
In the same instant (like the universe was waiting for it lol) I had seen a massive river of water coming from the main street, down the two dirt roads that lead to here. The river itself seemed to stop halfway down the 2nd dirt road… like it was waiting… In the river were so many flowers. Very much like little pansies of many pastel colors. My friend actually sent me a meaning of pansies, which I really wanted to share here because it fit the visual so well… but there must be gremlins in my in-box as well… her email, which I received, is no where to be found. ( Nichole, if you read this, please post your find on pansies please.)
When I told my landlady yesterday about the river of abundance and the massively thick doorway of March, I felt the connection. They are related…
It is funny too, every time I think and re-see that river with flowers I now hear 3 Dog Night (thank you very much David in Germany lol) singing “The Road to Shambhala” :
I can tell my sister ’bout the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala
I can tell my brother ’bout the flowers in his eyes
On the road to Shambala
Eyes… Clear Seeing. Water… emotion.
I am hoping whatever is on the other side of that doorway… it bridges the energy of April in our lives. Perhaps… we are the bridge.
I am going to close on that note. I love you all so much and am sooooo flipping excited for what we are creating together, even if I have no clue what that is!! (smile)
With tremendous (((HUGZ))) of wild rivers and open doorways to all,
Lisa Gawlas
P.S. This is added after the initial publishing. I am sitting here worried about the calls I need to make today and all of a sudden I see and hear that WE have activated a vortex of Energy. It is straight up on the top of the Mesa Cliff and the most vibrant white/yellow energy I have ever seen as far as vortex energies go. This activation is what is interfering in the communication signal here. As it settles, so will the signals of the satalites the frequency bounces off of.