~Dream On! From Conscious Media Network~
A wonderful thing is happening. Even the most hard boiled among us is beginning to sense that there is a changing of the tide.
Since releasing the video on an emerging new global economic model, the internet has been ablaze with comment. Some of it has been fearful and angry, suspecting the same old players are going for the Big Con. Others are very open to the possibility that the good inside those with power and money is surfacing for the betterment of humankind.
Last night Alex Jones was on Coast-to-Coast with George Noory and stated that he now feels, and sees evidence, that there are more people in positions of power who have good intentions than bad and that he feels there is reason for hope. This is a significant statement as Jones has so many devotees.
Meanwhile, we await further word as to the roll out of the economic agenda spoken of in our New Years Eve release. Toward that end, I have been contemplating the ramifications of what life would be like if the skills, talents and passions of people were supported to the extent that they did not need to fear for their own survival. With this on my mind I began my own little beta test.
As I encountered people in my life I began asking the question, “What would you choose to do with your life and energy if you knew that endeavor would be supported?”. I was truly surprised to find how few people know what they would do under such circumstances!
Because we have been raised to be ‘productive’ members of society, to save for our retirement, to do the logical thing toward that end in choosing a career, most of us have completely forgotten what lit our jets when we were younger and more idealistic. The dreams of the artist have given way to a secure job as a state worker, the author to advertisement copy writing, the aspiring chef to institutionalized food service or bank clerk. We have done what we have needed to do to ‘survive’, to keep a roof over our heads and food on our tables. And, most of us have done it at the expense of our own joy and fulfillment in life.
For me, this is the saddest reality of being human, that so few of us have hung onto our dreams. What’s worse, because survival issues are fear based, that very fear constricts our passion, creativity and energy to the point where we find ourselves too afraid or exhausted to stretch out and invest ourselves in the things we love – even as hobbies. It’s as though if we take our eye off the ‘survival’ ball, we will lose all that we’ve gained. So we stay hunched over, blinders on so as not to distract ourselves to other possibilities.
I would like to suggest, as this new mood of optimism is emerging, that we each take the time to dream again. What would you do if you knew your endeavors would be supported? What would you do if your work was secure and you allowed yourself the free time to live your passion?
This is not to say that we don’t have some bumps ahead, but when a sustainable system of support does emerge, we need to greet it with dreams and a plan to implement our dreams. In other words, dream yourself through the bumps until your dreams can be realized. After all, that’s all those who have already realized their dreams have done – they have persisted dreaming in the face of challenge.
So I say “Dream On!” my friend, and allow the magic to emerge.
Source: http://www.cmn.tv/blog/dream-on/