A Dream of My Deepest Dream

I do not know whose work this is to credit but am offering a thank you for its beauty and the feeling it evokes.
Awoke from a dream of a sky ship coming for me. Someone I was living with came running to tell me that there was a huge ship outside waiting for me. We were living high up on a multi-storied building. I looked outside and saw it. I looked down and saw folks on the ground staring upwards in amazement at the sight of this ship.
In the next moment, I was being welcomed inside this ship. Oh my! The intimacy, the joy, the wonder of it all was like a dream. For as long as I can remember, I have dreamt of community, of living a life with a level of intimacy and connection that has been absent in this reality. In the dream, I had the thought that my heart had known the truth all along. I had kept that kernel of desire banked in the deepest recesses of my heart, like a live coal awaiting only a fanning to leap into flames.
I have spent my life yearning for it, thinking of it, visualizing it, dreaming of it……this feeling of connection. Yet it was way more than simply connection that I felt, rather a knowing of oneness with all beings. I have experienced that sense of oneness once in this lifetime. In the dreamscape, it was that sense amplified a thousand fold. Here I was, actually FEELING the homecoming, the joy of being welcomed, of being a part of a much larger community, of being cherished, of having been missed. It was indescribable using our limited language. It was sound and color and light. Oh, be still my heart!

An old weathered stump with this bouquet of greenery bursting forth. That expresses my heart in this moment!
I sit here typing in the pool of light cast by a lamp with a taste of ash in my mouth. It is 2:12 a.m. and my heart is racing. Please let this mean that the time is coming to bring this love into our earth, the time to bring heaven to earth.
That is what I want to live! I want that intimacy with all beings. The feeling that I experienced in my dream was unlike anything that I have experienced on this earth plane. Even the deepest intimacy that I have known, feels like a shadow of the love that is possible for us to live.
We have been so conditioned to keep our hearts at bay. We read how we use so little of our brain’s capacity but it is our heart capacity that we have hardly begun to explore. That is the new frontier, it holds the uncharted territories that our dreams are made of.
Here is to setting my intention to be an explorer of the heart. I have lived a hermit like existence for so long. No more. I intend to follow this feeling that is burning in my chest. To not give in to the taste of the ash of disappointment in my mouth but to take this as a sign. We are getting closer to living as the gods that we are. I am Source. You are Source. All is Source.

One of my daily heart reminders that appear, this one from a bit of shell as I was cracking walnuts. We are so loved!
Let the exploration begin! Let our hearts lead us forward to these reunions, to a way of living that is in harmony with all beings. May we each live our truth and come to know our own beauty and that of one another. May we be free to express it in every moment of our lives.
That is Very Beautiful
I'd say it was more than a dream. It was/is a True Vision. TY for posting it.