
drmoe's picture

For All You Dreamers - Time to Activate our Inner Light.


Let's Dream the BIG DREAM TOGETHER, shall we?


Dr Moe


  Simply Wonderful, now if i

jerry don martin's picture


Simply Wonderful, now if i can just get my light turned up...

are we done yet??

New earth heavenly CIVIL SERVICES

Lynn's picture

Dearest fellow lightworkers....

PLEASE, HELP US-- THE 99%--- ..............Please!!!
Please, pray, dream and VISUALIZE humanity working in divine co-operation to create CITIES OF PEACE AND ENLIGHTENMENT Civil Service JOBS!
It is TIME FOR NEW FREE COMMUNITY ENLIGHTENMENT EDUCATION TEACHING AND TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR OUR NEW EARTH HEAVENLY CIVIL SERVICES.. new earth jobs, JOBS, JOBS!!!! New earth jobs for our YOUTH that will alleviate using, fossil fuels, drugging, and warring!
I did receive an Oregon Change Agent Certificate from Gov. John Kitzhaber M.D. ;however, it is our family of light that needs to UNITE.
Yes, It is time for new earth community VIRTUAL, LOCAL, GLOBAL, & PHYSICAL Enlightenment Education for NEW EARTH Health and Human CIVIL Service JOBS, social service jobs, prevention and intervention health care jobs,  new earth green infrastructure jobs,  new lightworkers community unions and lightworkers US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE that will CHANGE/TRANSFORM THIS PLANET individually and collectively by creating NEW EARTH CIVIL SERVICE JOBS for Green infrastructure, healing arts (both new and ancient ways), spiritual awakening programs, spiritual cinema, Soul (love and light)  energies & Soul purpose development, lightworkers, teachers,firemen, natural foods & remedies, edible landscaping and animal healer jobs for YOUTH TO BECOME a NEW EARTH CIVIL SERVICE MAN OR WOMAN..providing loving, HELPING, healing and enlightenment, jobs, products and services  that have no harmful side effects and that are focused on co-creating heaven on earth and universal WORLD HEALING, harmony, divine co-operation & universal travel with the lightships.
Please, sign my petition to create New Earth Heavenly Civil Services that will SHIFT THIS PLANET's paradigm into enlightenment, WORLD HEALING, UNITY, PEACE AND UNIVERSAL TRAVEL..
Please,make more petitions that come from your groups  to share with: peace groups, spiritual groups, global alliance of ministries, youth promise act, NOW, NAACP, UU united nations,Unity churches, metaphysical groups, new age groups, www.bmse.net, shiftnetwork, OCCUPY GROUPS,green  groups,Obama,New Thought Ministries,Hay House Publishing, Oprah,NAPW,Humanities Team, New Connexion, bioneers,lightworking groups,international cities of light, mayors for peace, huffington post, google admin, skype, facebook, and twitter admin and create you-tubes with care2.org petitions --SO,we can activate the NESARA FUNDING that is in Wash.DC waiting for us to get organized for co-creating cities of enlightement and peace civil services with direct access to our divine intergalactic Soul (love and light) energies and  to the lightships.
In Love and Light service for Peace, good will, love & blessings for all!
Lynn Mystic-Healer