Dreams are like a glass house – SaLuSa through Isabel Henn

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Dreams are like a glass house – SaLuSa through Isabel Henn, August 25, 2012

Today I want to discuss the topic of dreams and its significance in detail. You all have so often heard of us, that your dreams and thoughts create your new world and manifest things.
The thought of something is the young seedling, the seed that develops and grows. It is still in the dark earth, protected against powerful influences. It now needs warmth and humidity in order to prosper. This you give your desires by your often thinking on them. Young plants outdoors are exposed to weather influences. In the case of your manifestations this are the conflicting ideas, a back and forth. Too much of it can be destructive.
Dreams are like a glass house. The young plant “desire” can there find optimal conditions, protected against harmful influences and equipped with enough nutrients and moisture. Also is a dream growth aids for your manifestations. In your dreams you can draw down to the smallest detail what you expect from your life. You can imagine it before your mind’s eye, the third eye, and shape your desires. Your feelings, your love that you have invested in your dreams, let your manifestations grow even faster and better.
In this way you can not only get things into your life, but also form your new world. Many of you could not imagine until now, how this would work, but it is quite simple. You must only dream of it. Imagine how it should look like, also the new society, the conditions, such as you all want to live, and then dream again and again. Give your feelings to it and your future begins to form.
It just takes a little longer if your constantly bring in changes into your dreams. The universe responds to changes of course. It’s no different than if you build a house and give change requests to the architect and craftsmen. Work must be rescheduled or restructured, which leads to delays. A good planning is very helpful before you give your project in the form of your dreams to the architect, the contractor and the universe. I’ve now seen some of your projects and I can confirm to you that there are beautiful buildings. Your dreams are getting bolder and greater and you will admire them with big eyes .
Use the powerful energies that are sent to you. They will help you. Accept them and your body can more easily integrate.
The power of the cabal is broken, even if they don’t want to admit it. They see it crumble, but still fight back with all their remaining resources to the further spreading of the light and love. You may, however, be assured that we will take – together with the Archangels – all necessary steps to prevent further attacks from the cabal especially on lightworkers, as it has been recently. I can only recommend to you to clean yourself and your environment with the Violet Flame of St. Germain and protectively surround yourselves with it. It will not be long and even then such attacks are a thing of the past.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send my love and greetings of the Sirian people. Very soon we can mingle with you and work together with you on building your new society.


