Drive-Thru Customer Pays For $400 Worth Of Bills In Generous Act Of Kindness (PHOTO)

MomT's picture

Huffington Post Posted:   |  Updated: 01/03/2013 2:59 pm EST

Drive Thru

A generous act of kindness that went viral on Reddit had some lucky drive-thru customers surprised when they rolled up to the pay window.

“A friend of mine witnessed an act of incredible kindness today,” user MunchkinButt wrote Wednesday.

A screenshot from the friend’s Facebook account explains:

To read the rest of this story visit Huffington Post




Legalize Freedom's picture

First thing coming to my mind is if you want to help hundreds of people don't give them that garbage  !

It is a gesture, it is amazing,  I'd do it often if I had the funds,
how about drive through vegan chains  ?  indian food, thai food, etc ?  HOW ABOUT IT .

For those who find this action beautiflu see the film Groove it has a heart warming scene that I shant spoil.