Lia's picture







You are accustomed to fight, you are accustomed to swim upstream. The ego feels nourished if you fight with something; if you don't fight, the ego simply evaporates.

IT IS VERY ESSENTIAL FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE EGO TO CONTINUE FIGHTING. This way or that, in worldly matters or in spiritual matters, but go on fighting. Fight with others or fight with oneself, but continue to fight. The people you call worldly are fighting with others, and the people you call spiritual are fighting with themselves. But the basic thing remains the same.

THE REAL VISION ARISES ONLY WHEN YOU STOP FIGHTING. Then you start disappearing -- because WITHOUT FIGHT, THE EGO CANNOT EXIST FOR A SINGLE MOMENT -- it needs constant pedaling. It is just like a bicycle. If you stop pedaling, it has to fall; it cannot continue for long -- maybe a little while because of the past momentum. But your cooperation is needed for the ego, to keep it alive. And the cooperation is through fight, resistance.

When I say to you to float, I mean that YOU ARE SUCH A SMALL, TINY PART OF THE COSMOS, it is absolutely absurd to fight with it. With whom are you fighting? ALL FIGHT IS BASICALLY AGAINST GOD, BECAUSE HE SURROUNDS YOU. If you are trying to go up-current, you are trying to go against God. If he is flowing downwards to the ocean, go with him.


ONCE YOU START FLOATING WITH THE RIVER, you will have a totally different quality arising in you -- SOMETHING OF THE BEYOND WILL DESCEND. You will not be there; you will become just an emptiness -- tremendous emptiness, a receptivity. WHEN YOU FIGHT, YOU SHRINK; when you fight, you become small; when you fight, you become hard. WHEN YOU DON'T FIGHT -- you surrender, you open, like a lotus opening its petals -- THEN YOU RECEIVE. Unafraid you start moving -- moving with life, moving with the river....

It is good if you drown -- because ONLY THE EGO CAN BE DROWNED, NOT YOU. When you are fighting, in fact, the ego is fighting with your innermost core -- you will drown. But by that drowning, for the first time you will be able to float, for the first time you will be. Choose and you choose the ego. BE CHOICELESS, LET LIFE CHOOSE FOR YOU, AND YOU BECOME EGOLESS. Choose, and you always choose hell. CHOICE IS HELL. DON'T CHOOSE. Let this prayer of Jesus resound in your hearts: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done." Let Him do for you.

Drop yourself, drown yourself. Disappear from that plane of being. And then suddenly you are no more human; you are superhuman. Your whole life will become a life of beautitude....

IF YOU CHOOSE, YOU CHOOSE HELL. Choice is hell. That's how you have created you hell all around you -- by choosing. WHEN YOU CHOOSE, YOU DON'T ALLOW GOD TO CHOOSE FOR YOU. Kristhamurti goes on insisting for choicelessness. That is just one end of the whole story. THE OTHER END IS: IF YOU ARE CHOICELESS, GOD CHOOSES FOR YOU. Become choiceless. The moment you are choiceless, life continues. You will not be there -- life will continue.

And you are nothing but a hell. ONCE YOU DON'T STAND BETWEEN YOU AND GOD, HE CHOOSES. He has always been choosing for you. There is a proverb which says: Man proposes and God disposes. The reality is just the opposite: GOD PROPOSES AND MAN GOES ON DISPOSING.

ONCE YOU HAVE FELT THAT BEAUTITUDE OF NON-CHOOSING and floating with Him, you will never choose again. Because whenever you choose, you choose hell; and whatsoever you choose, you choose hell. So I would like you to drown, drown with my blessings.

When Jesus says that those who cling to themselves will lose themselves, and those who are ready to lose will gain, he means exactly the same thing. When Sufis say, "Die before your death, and then you will become deathless," they mean the same. THE DEATH OF THE EGO HAPPENS ONLY THROUGH SURRENDER....

You cannot do anything to change it. You can simply see the point that NOTHING IS NEEDED ON YOUR PART. And once you drop it -- or rather it will be better to say: once in your deep understanding, it drops -- you are open to life. Then life starts flowing through you, like a cool breeze in an open room.

You are like a windowless room: all doors, windows closed, no ray of light enters in you, no new breeze passes through you. You are caved-in within yourself, closed. And, of course, if you start feeling suffocated it is natural.

But I know it is difficult to allow yourself to drown; it takes time. Just few glimpses will be needed. SOMETIMES FLOAT, DON'T SWIM; and just feel the river taking you over. Sometimes just sit in the garden. Don't choose: don't say what is beautiful, what is ugly. Don't divide, just be there, present to everything. Sometimes move in the marketplace, not saying, not condemning, not appreciating. IN MANY WAYS LEARN HOW JUST TO BE, WITHOUT ANY EVALUATION. Because the moment you evaluate, you have chosen. The moment you say this is good, you are saying, "I would like to have it." The moment you say this is bad, you say, "I don't want it; I would not like to have it." The moment you say this woman is beautiful, you have desired. The moment you say this woman is ugly, you have already felt repulsion. You are already caught in the duality of good and bad, beautiful and ugly; and the choice has entered in you.

SUBTLE ARE THE WAYS OF THE EGO. One has to be very alert.

And once you know -- once if even for a single moment the ego is not there, you are not creating it -- SUDDENLY ALL DOORS OPEN; and from everywhere, from all directions, LIFE RUSHES TOWARDS YOU. That rush is very fragile. If you are not alert, you will not be able to see it, you will not be able to feel it. God's touch is very delicate. Great sensitivity is needed to feel it....

IN DEEP SURRENDER, SENSITIVITY, AWARENESS, suddenly you are full of something which you had never known before. It has always been there, but you were too gross to know it. It has always been there, but you were too occupied in fighting, in the ways of the ego, that you couldn't look back and feel it. It was always there, but you were not present. It was always waiting for you, but you had forgotten how to come back home.


So drown yourself. That's the whole art I am teaching you here. If I am teaching anything, I am teaching you death, because I know only through death is resurrection.

Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega



I agree with the main point

Guest's picture

I agree with the main point of this article, which is to not choose ego, but I disagree with your stating advice of not choosing, and if we are to, we no matter what choose hell, I think that is a poor choice of words; i also think your analogy of one drowning, and choosing to drown is as well, not the best example.  I do understand what you are trying to convey, and I appreciate your effort and stance, but your delivery is a little off.  Existance is molded by maiking choices that we on a continual basis will always and forever find ourselves doing.  It's not about not choosing, but rather making for you, what you perceive is the correct choice.  I say perceive because everyone no matter who or what they are, has their own reality, truth and perspective that consists of and is dictated by that individual's chosen independant choices.  In every single now moment we are making choices.  Choice = Movement = Experience = Knowledge = Truth = Light = Love = God.  Namaste.  I AM.

About disagreement ....

andalightoflove's picture

As long as we`re Thinking We are the ones that make the Decisions , We are not in a Surrendered Egoless State. Btw, the guest who replies to Osho`s " article " in the foregoing comment , doesn`t seem to be Aware of the Fact that Osho is not in this Realm anymore & is talking back to a Master (Osho) whose whole Life has been dedicated to teaching what it is to : Be Egoless > Not Fighting> Surrendering to Divine Love  > Peace > Flowing with the River > Bliss .  But all is for the learning :) Namaste

Spiritual ego....

Guest's picture

Yes, obviously this guest has no clue who Osho was and what he embodied... However, the gift they do share with us is what an ego will do with all these esoteric spiritual concepts, and again fight (hence; disagree, opposition, etc.) with an enlightened master. Classic!

There seems to be an abundance of Spiritual egoist agendas taking place as we approach the end of 2012... And this is no surprise... Funny how people are looking so frantically for the answers, when all they have to do is "stop" (Gangaji) or drop there search as Osho alludes to, and all will be revealed.

<3 to you,

Oh, man.....

astreia's picture

Now I need to google "OSHO". Will my ignorance never end?

Love, Astreia-Pixie

There is no choice but God's,

Guest's picture

There is no choice but God's, hence nothing we need to choose. Freedom from choice is Freedom indeed! 

Evidence of all the various stages of awakening shared on these pages serve to demonstrate the ego's subtlety in its desparate need to dictate, decide, choose what should be and what is. There is no concept of choice in the higher realms where only God's will exists.


astreia's picture

I do choose what to eat for breakfast, among the options available. Perhaps it is my ego that prefers cream of wheat to oatmeal? Actually, perhaps it IS. I don't choose the oatmeal because I am "very picky" about oatmeal....I don't like rolled oats, only stone-ground or steel-cut oats. Maybe it really IS my ego that likes the oatmeal chewy and not soft...but it likes the cream of wheat nice and smooth.... makes no sense...

Perhaps it is my ego that tells me that God loves us as we are. That somehow as we become one we still are ourselves.

I don't know the answers. I know that my ego is so subtle that it still can make me feel like a victim. What, no butterscotch for the ice cream?????!!!!!!!! Why can't they just buy more butterscotch???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And WHERE is the eggplant....we had some last night, why not tonight, don't they KNOW that I love eggplant???!!!!!!!!!!!

When I relax a little, I am very happy with the food. But I do still look at the menu.

I guess.... I just remember being taught that I HAD NO CHOICE. That God was this big boogieman who would send me to hell if I wasn't perfect.

I'm not perfect. There's no way around that, I in my daily life am not perfect. I got angry the other day because my neighbor had the TV so loud that I could not sleep.

And sometimes I still have nightmares.

But I don't believe in hell. There's really no logical reason for hell to exist.

So if I want to have raisin toast one morning and English muffins the next, well, I am making choices. Is that why I am not on the ships yet?

Love, Astreia



astreia's picture

Guest, we all have different ways of expressing ourselves.

But if existence is molded by making choices, the poor choices I made when "young" in this life would have destroyed me. Really, they nearly did.

To me, it is good to know that there is a "fail-safe".... that I am not lost no matter what craziness I participated in at some points in my life.

Perhaps "drowning" is not the right metaphor for you. Perhaps you would prefer "floating". If so, I recommend that you float.

Love, Astreia

Osho and his Ego

Guest's picture

were very controversial to say the least. Anyone can discuss his views...he had no inarguable hold on the Truth.


When he wasn't lecturing about his 'truths' in a drugged state via wall portals of inhalable hallucinegens...he was escaping $4million in unpaid taxes from Indian gov't... to relocate in unsuspecting Oregon, lying about who they were to Oregon officials ... breaking every State-Real Estate law he-they encountered in Oregon...poisoning salad bars sickening nearly to death many local and county officials...preventing disciples from escaping the Oregon community...going on American Nightline TV w/ Ted Koppel w/ Sheela his chief assistant in unabated crime and disgracing themselves and their followers and community right and left...watch those old clips...he talks about sleeping w/ 1000's of women; Sheela meltsdown in a storm of curses and lies, condeming Oregon and America...and finally OSHO fled the police. for an Island e.g. Bermuda...being later incarcerated for federal immigration crimes etc. etc. 

Osho and his Ego could be an 'article'.

Laundry list....

Guest's picture

Boy that's quite a laundry list of judgements you have accumulated there! Could this be demonstrative of what your own inner landscape might be?



astreia's picture

From what you say here, you sound very angry. That must be very uncomfortable.... I KNOW it must be because I have been angry myself at times in my life, and it hurts. It feels bad.

As far as OSHO goes, I have no idea what you are talking about or why you are making these accusations. But it kind of reminds me of the French Revolution. "Anyone who has something I don't have - - - off with their heads - - - "

Perhaps you might read this message again and be just a little bit amused with yourself?

Anger is exciting, I know, but it isn't really much fun.

Love, Astreia

if you drop the ego movement

Guest's picture

if you drop the ego movement soo u can "be real" and see with the eyes of beauty, you are then appreciating the environment right? but he says that u can't appreciate because it's ego stuff. soo why would one CHOOSE to keep himself at silence if in the end it would still be ego? very contraditory teaching.


i choose to remain in silence soo i can be more conscious of my surroundings (life arts/beauties) and less lost in dramas/lower energies, and that makes me feel good, cause i am sharing much of the heavenly things of life. joy and awareness are always pointed here as "keys" to ascension. maybe silence is the way to these things.

Try Surrender....

Guest's picture

Big difference between choice and Surrender.... The apparent contradiction is a classic egoist tactic.

Keep moving..... <3