Drought grips northeastern Brazil

Rain's picture

Aljazeera - Everton Fox, 1/10/13

While SE Brazil struggles with floods and the threat of landslides, the NE is tackling extreme drought conditions

One of the worst droughts in Brazil's history is depriving many dams of the water they need to generate electricity [Reuters]

A state of emergency has been declared across parts of northeastern Brazil where residents are struggling to cope with one of the worst droughts to ever hit the region. This is one of the country’s poorest parts, mainly comprised of farming communities and three years of drought have had a devastating effect on the area.

Brazil has one of the largest water reserves in the world, but in this part of the country, water is a precious and rare commodity. The people of Sao do Egito, Pernambuco have been particularly badly hit and the town’s reservoir has now run dry.

To read the rest of this story, visit Aljazeera.com.
