Earth’s Free Energy

Lia's picture


canoe web


If we lifted Ayres Rock out of it’s comfortable pillow deep in the Earth and turned it upside down for the world to see, we would find mega tonnes of Clear and Rose Quartz Crystal.

Photography by Julie Holt  copyright 2012

Quartz Crystal is the Earths immune system

Silica / Quartz Crystal allows the Earth to resonate to the same vibratory level as the Universe around it. All living things have an energy field (aura) and also a certain amount of Silica with-in them to activate it. The Earth is the same, needing these same ingredients to vibrate at a fast enough rate to create an energy field.

All things that belong to the Earth and are situated at certain parts of the Earth such as Oils, Metals, Stones, minerals, diamonds etc.: Need to be right where they are, they belong to the Earth it is all needed for it’s survival and well being.

Australia’s Ayres Rock, America’s Yosemite National Park and Central Africa’s Lunda are three of Earth’s charka points. Acting out balance, structure and the vibrational movement that keeps the Earth in tune with itself and the universe around it. Each of these points also resonate an incredible almost overwhelming vibratory flow of healing energy.

From a great distance these points stand out like lights in the middle of a circle, they become beacons in the galaxy. For those that can see them, they are also landing points.

Stand up for Earth and it’s people and give it the loudest possible voice.


