Truth is so close that we can all smell it... We can all feel this deep down in every cell of our body...
We can sense it while watching silly news on TV, knowing how much they 'hate' their job... These anchors are so tired of telling lies, over and over again, sometimes more than 4 times in 30 minutes..
If you observe energetically, can you imagine anxiety and sickness in their stomachs watching in to the camera, fakely smiling, and pretending that all is 'normal', all is 'perfect', yet their all being is refusing to read this same old prompt...
Energies are so obvious, floating all around these who are not fully aware, and especially around ones who are fully aware of the centuries lies and deceptions that they were part of... These energies are not able to be transmuted in to the collective conciseness any longer...
As of today, 22.3.12 all these lie and deception energies are completely being washed from the collective grid, so if you see these news anchors behaving strangely, or not able to read their standard war c*** mongering... This is ok.. This is almost perfect... as their way of delivering news has been erased...
Within weeks of time, all these lies will be less and less in our awareness, until completely disintegrate from our new Earth... You will be so suprised, pleasantly surprised when you learn that not one of reporters are able to tell or read lies and disinformation... Even you will not be able to lie to others or self...
So, we can go back to mass arrests and its implications for who we are becoming with these wonderful actions of our White Knights, White Dragons... Following video is truly wonderful example of where we are heading and what changes are transpiring...
The only stream that was through all 2 hours of conversation and questions: Do not fear the changes.... These changes you were asking for such a long time, and now they are here... These events are not only American, but Global where we will witness 10's of thousands of individuals arrested who did only service to self in this life time...
These arrests will not only touch government officials [like politicians, governors, majors... ], but it will greatly affect Corporate and Banking world, Judges and Legislative Officials, Military heads, UN heads...
Do you have to be worried for these arrests?... You personally?... Did you have this thought in your mind?...yes... maybe... maybe not...
How about now?... No... of course... NO...
[Allie[n] tickling McKane... while Obama 'jealous'... ]
Consider that if you are reading these messages you have not to worry.... Consider if you are giving all your efforts to share what you have with others, you have nothing to be concerned...
If you think you did something against others, humanity or self... do not be concerned in any way... Because we all did... We all did... Yet, we start changing our attitude, we start seeing world as beautiful place of Oneness where we all can and will live...
We were experiencing duality, we were experiencing separation from Godself and from FatherMotherGod itself... Yet, time is here to upgrade our experiences to fully concuss beings, who Know FatherMotherGod, and who are here for benefits of others...
Simply by accepting that these events, life’s, fears were only here to make us stronger in bringing full light of FatherMotherGod and our Global Conciseness...
Being afraid was kind of ok or 'normal' till yesterday, where NOW, in this moment of NOW fear is fully transmuted in to Love for others, self and Gaia by simply acknowledging who You are...
You are Earth Allie[n]s who have nothing to worry... You are Lightworkers who do not see that YOU ARE... Your actions are still very shy and not in the open... which was all right for old paradigm... Where Now, we just entered new Paradigm of Galactic proportions, where lies and deceptions do not exist... where forgiveness is the only way to deal with self and others....
Where war is just a 'bad' remembrance... Where peace is state of mind and heart as one...
Where deceit is not cool any more... where humbleness is the way...
Where hate and anger will be cosmic joke.... where compassion will shine in meek hearts forever...
Where there is no more fear of anything... where Love is our way to talk with FatherMotherGod...
Look your self good in the mirror... Look GOoD self in the reflection from the peaceful water....
Do you see afraid human, or do You see Galactic Human staring you back?... Do you see GodSelf smiling at you?... Do you SEE who YOU truly ARE?... Do you see?...
I do, and I am so honored that all of US came here to experience this raising of Global Conciseness to full bloom...
Yes, we made it, dear Brothers and Sisters... We became New concuss Civilization... We are Galactic Humanity ascending with GailLghaStaRa [The Blue Star... known as Mother Earth or Gaia...]
With all my Love and no fear, Predrag/Saint Germain
And if you made it to the end of this never ending story of Enlighten Humanity, go another step further: show your self a feeling of sharing asking nothing in return: Press Donate Button and support Light and Love to be spread to infinity all over the Galaxy and beyond...