I would apologies in advance for low quality, sarcastic and insulting 'strength' of the words that I am going to use in this article... Please take this very personally, and react immediately if you dare to go in discussion with me...
What I read today was one of the most retarded and so stupidly written articles about 'water war' and Obama's shocking move to gives all water to US military?...
So, I was thinking what a f***?... How come this black dude with seductive smile can give water to US military?... There is 'secret' agenda behind this?!... Is IT?... Oh, yes it is... This secret agenda is so big and so beautiful, that ones who write these ignorant posts and accusations will be ones most surprised when end they up behind the bars for propagating war mongering and spreading share lies...
Together with rest of greedy bankers, and lying politicians... Together with slave runners from big Corporations, and abusers of legal positions like judges who lost their marbles of morality and justice...
Why you Americans allow that these 'human' garbage calls you stupid’s and ignorant, presenting you this kind of lies, and hoping that you will swallow and even say 'thank you, lord for giving us opportunity to live in land of free?!' wtf... wtf.. The most unfree souls are now in USA... and You do not even want to see or hear this...
Are the Americans are realy so lousy and stupid not to react after reading posts like these?... Are the Americans are so blind to ignore the biggest gift that sits in their Oval Office at these wondrous times?...
If you thinking, this time you went overboard, Predrag!... You are so right... I had enough of your ignorance of situation in your own country...
You even dare not to raise your voice after reading these kind of truth blasphemy and total fear mongering?... Or watching CNN, Fox and still watching after they repeat thousands of times same lie over and over again...
Are you really so terrified to stand UP and say out loud: I had enough of these lies and deceptions from media and war groupations?... Now even they found 'way' to blame Military for its existence... Go figure?...
Now they blaming US Military [here read: they are terrified and shitting their pants and skirts, what US Military will do to them, puny and despicable little liars... ] that US Military has total control over US water... Not even comprehending, that this same US Military is actually protecting your water reservoirs to be poisoned or contaminated, later blaming on tornado or earthquake or Obama...
Obama played these moves so magnificently, so the cabal ended up in the corner, and it will be rounded by same US Military they were abusing for decades and decades sending them in fake and insinuated wars... Not even thinking for a moment how many young Americans will loose their life or being disabled mentally and physically...
Obama signed executive Order titled National Defense Resources Preparedness that amended the Defense Production Act of 1950 , not to get 'dictatorial' but to give all the Americans protection from attempts of total slavery and control...
If you have a bit courage, raise your voice if you do not agree with this discriminated post form alias 'Sorcha Faal' who is actually front of some of these deceptive 3 letters agencies... Not for long... Not for long.... yep...
As this is so detrimental to American moral and freedom why Americans are so proud through history... Now you have greatest chance and opportunity to stand up, and not only pretend you are brave, but to become Brave American patriot and join your own Military to remove all these wizzles and worms of our society now and for all...
Stand UP dear patriots, dear Americans, and bring your voice to the front... Post a comment on this retarded post which is not against Obama too much, but actually treating YOU all as total idiots and sheeple in their greedy hands...
Stand up for your Freedom, otherwise waiting for cabal to give it to you... You would continue waiting, forever... Good luck in some other life... Your freedom will come only if you ask for it... Your courage will become visible to self and others, only if you exercise it...
Do not act like stupid sheeple, because you are NOT... You can be courageous and free citizens of most amazing country, but only if YOU choose to be... Not if others decide for you... Because they would not... Now, they could not any longer...
Yet, you are still terrified of consequences if you raise self from the crowd and say: I do not want to be your financial slave any longer!... I am free to choose what to seed, what to eat...
Give it a try: take this disgusting article as greatest opportunity and slam your opinion as comment... If they block comments, you take article and post it on one of your social groups, and post your own comments... But be brave, and make your self heard... Post here on Galactic Free Press... We are Free... Truly Free... We know who we are...
This will not only show other that they are not alone in the opinions, but it will give you so much confidence to become free by own choice... This will not only encourage others, but it will completely shut up beings of deception like 'Sorcha Faal' clique...
Give you blessing to your US Military, for what they are doing and what they will do within weeks, is their way to fight for their own freedom... Giving free choice to the rest of American citizens...
True patriot become free at his own soil, and not on some other country or continent... Freedom is learned at our own heart...
I can only do so much as individual, yet when we as collective see and feel there is another way of existence... We will move continents in their rightches place on this Blue Planet...
US Military will not only open can of worms, but it will wash them purely and let these human worms chance to repay all the debts and actions they did against other Humans...
When these mass arrests start unfolding, simply be joyful, not afraid, as Your US Military is YOURS to protect you... To FREE YOU... This is the Devine Plan in unfolding... where rain of ignorance and ego and greed and slavery ends... Ones who hurt other human with any means, will not be free any more to do so...
Forgive these worms, as All these will carry their own cross, so please stop carry their lies and deceptions as your own anymore... Find a truth, and than stand tall knowing YOU ARE FREE...
Take your heads out of your arses, and smell the Freedom!... Freedom is here!... Are you going to recognize it?... It is up to your dear Brothers and Sisters... IT IS ONLY UP TO YOU...
I AM THAT I AM, Predrag/Saint Germain
Excellent! :-) Thanks for the
Excellent! :-) Thanks for the inspiration!
peacetime martial law natural defence preparedness act
i am sorry but i am confused about Obama's 9pg document he signed into law--mar 16..how could this possibly be the wonderful new caretaker gov't spoken of in paoweb updates? it is very disturbing & threatening. He sets himself up a supreme dictator & it is a complete takeover of all resource (natural) & people & implements slave labor work force..Congress is made only ceremonial & Obama answers only to the U.N. it is a military coup-a complete dissolution of the Constitution & Bill of Rights.they can take over all businesses-anybody that resists any of this will be referred to Homeland Security-labeld a terrorist & treated as such. this would be hell on earth & is treasonous.
I've had to do this number all week at the coffee shops! What a shock, just when I was thinking that logically, (and I know what assume means) people would be ovelrjoyed AT THE NEWS THAT WE ARE FREE AGAIN!
Haven't you ever heard of the term benevolent dictator being the best government? I just can't believe you would rather trust a cabal that has stolen trillions universally over a 20year planned strategy which is working.... how much more are you willing to lose or never have? What's happened is lthe most amazing strategy I could ever imagine...
One of my favorite phrases is that you "RATHER BE RIGHT THAN HAPPY". I probably have to explain....: you rather be right in screaming about what isn't than to admit that now the FREEDOM IS!
i truly pray you are correct!!!
i am sorry--it did get confusing to me--as it was interpreted rather heatedly from INTELHUB ---a 2hour long utube video..perhaps this got me interpreting things erroneously...thank you both above for your light & clarity on the matter.
Where in that law does Obama
Where in that law does Obama set himself up as "supreme leader" or create a "slave labor" work force? I read the order, and it actually delegates the president's powers to the various secretaries and commitees, people that require the senate's approval before they can take office. In other words, it gives the president less power.
It sounds like people are getting hysterical over something they haven't even bothered to understand. I'll admit that the US government is very corrupt, but this simply isn't something to panic over. All it does is delegate powers the president already had, he didn't suddenly make up new laws. The president gained these powers back in the Korean War.
you call yourself St
you call yourself St Germaine, but your eyes don't reflect that identity. What is up with that
deceiver? Witch frenchie are U? I see the black one in your eyes. Good luck with that because his mother the black whole is taking him home.
Until you push yourself
Until you push yourself outward, you have no idea where your chains are. Speak up, feel with your heart and you will be able to "see" the areas in your reality where you remain enslaved. If you stay huddled in fear, cowering in the corner you will never know how to break free.
It's your choice. If you think it feels confusing and uncomfortable -do your own reasearch. Stop depending on the mainstream media to spoon-feed you truth. They are unable to do that right now. Our messages of Truth are here to guide you, not convince you. Free Will is a fundamental right of every being in the Cosmos, and cannot be interferred with.
As uncomfortable as you are feeling today, with apathy and inactivity on your part it will only feel worse tomorrow and the next day. These feelings you have are not going away by themselves. They are in your face producing these emotions in you to cause you to move! You have work to do. I'm glad you are questioning things aloud in this format. Now that you have formulated the question, go out and find the answers. If you don't agree with what you discover, then you're not finished looking for the Truth.
~I'm so proud of you for acknowledging your confusion and discomfort! You are leaps and bounds ahead of those who have not yet made that choice. All my Love, Boo
Thank you
We as a society here in the US have such a knee jerk reaction to any news that we hear. We don't go research or investigate, we yell and scream in response to what our media outlets force-feed us. Thank you for this post for it resonates with me to the core. I am beyond fear I have no one to impress no one to please only my own conscience. If you are truly reaching for ascension and unity consciousness aren't these fears and angers the anti-thesis of your goal? aren't the dark thought of revenge and retaliation the same tools used by those that oppress us? Let go my brothers and sisters, these thoughts of birth certificates and martial law are not serving you very well. Do some research, read and love. Reach out with your heart and experience empathy for these sad souls that have taught us so much. Believe it or not we needed them to balance the global Karma and that time is soon coming to an end. Just relax and remember to breath. My wife was able to meet with Obama when he came to our city and though she is not a particularly spiritual person she was crying and telling me that she could feel the light coming from his soul. I may be wrong and you know what? that's ok too. Much love and light my friends and I hope beyond hope that before you spit venom and bile please ask yourself "what do I intend to accomplish with this anger?"
Be well and Be aware