AnaShyNa's picture





So, lets ask these silly questions and see how long you are going to doubt when this events happened?...


When You see George Bush get arrested in front of the cameras, are you going to:

  1. Blame self for not helping him find some extra food?...
  2. Blame him for not allowing you to go to WW2 &1/2?...
  3. Think that this is just a massive 'conspiracy' so he, the Bush-man can hide in some undisclosed and uncharted island, while you getting angry on his 'clone' or even better his hologram?
  4. Or, take this event as the best thing that could happened to US and the world, and start celebrating because you have not doubts any more?...
  5. Or, You continue to sleep' in your totally blissful and ignorant status-quo of existence, not paying much attention on news around You?...



  1. When you watch by mistake 38th G8 Summit in Cape David on 18-19 of May, and hear Obama announcing the beginning of the arrests of at least 90% of Leader invitees of this summon, are you going to:
    1. take off your clothes and start running down your neighborhood, jumping of pure joy, knowing that Freedom is here?...
    2. or, You will grab your gun selection, and equip self, to start guarding your door, before Sheriff with US Army comes to your door to give you a warning that you cannot run naked down the street, as you scared half of the town with your distasteful appearance?...
    3. Or you will sip your Lager and eat popcorns, simply enjoying the show on the TV, knowing that all if perfect and that Freedom is here to stay?...
    4. Or, you simply forgive them as they did not know any better, same as you did not know any better that you were imprisoned for millennia, and even forgive self too?...


  1. When you receive at your door basket of food, and strange silver machine, are you going to:
    1. Run at the neighbor to see is he received same products as you, and does he knows what this machine is for?...
    2. Or You would not open your front door, due to your local paranoia’s and fears, that food could be poisoned with GMDTTD secret shrinking formula?...
    3. or You would call Sheriff department, all in panic letting him know there is bomb in the shape of banana with plastic infuser which looks like a loaf of bread?...
    4. Or, your would truly open your heart, and say thank you dear Galactic Brothers and Sisters for providing us Food/Clothes Replicator, and it does not have to be plugged in to the electrical outlet?...


  1. When you see on TV Father and Mother God giving the speech during final official dinner in White House, seating with Michele and Abraham Obama,  Vladimir Putin, Drake and some other foreign beings, cheering with beer from the bottle?...Are you going to:
    1. Join them raising your bottle of beer celebrating true freedom  for all the World?...
    2. or you would question the quality of this fake Abraham Obama with his fake accent with his fake US passport, in this fake TV setup?...
    3. Or you would question your sanity for not seeing the possibility earlier that Father God decided to have his first public Date here in White House for all to see?...
    4. Or you would just turn off your TV, and go back to your sleep, thinking this is one very beautiful dream that you do not want to wake UP?...


  1. How would you react when Abraham Zeal Obama anounce following:
  2. That he is secret agent from Heaven, and that he was undercover for all his life, and that he was so deep undercover that even himself was not aware of it?
  3. Or, that he is the last President of USA, as we know it, and after all these arrests and clenup of "bucket people" [meaning: ones who horde and collect over other souls illusion...]?...
  4. Or, that his job would be much easier if average American wathched less TV, and asked for total Freedom that was removed from your present vocabulary?... 



So, dear confused Human, during next couple of days, weeks and months you will be able to practice your sanity, your forgiveness, your imagination, your compassion, your gratitude, your Generosity, your Truth and Your Freedom...


Please, enjoy every single event, as these are only small steps toward your and our [read: Humanity...] Ascension en'mass...


And you are asking: What?... Suspension?... Acquisition?... what is this Word?...

Ascension description will continue in next episode of CCP [Comedy Circle Production, or who reads Cyrillic SSR]: "We are ALL ALONE... NOT!"


With smile and grin on my face, and hope at yours too...





running down the streets in pure joy!

dawn christine's picture

That's where we'll be when all is revealed in the light! T R U T H - F R E E D O M! Thank you to the strongest of the strong!

Just Gotta Say...

d'tewa's picture

     Can't remember when I've read such a wonderfully written and fun post!  The pics cracked me up too.  Thanks so much for the smiles and laughs.

     Love, d'tewa

(And, oh, running naked in the streets sounds rather appealing, don't it???) lol.

Love and Light, d'tewa

I am a very loving, forgiving

James Freeman's picture

I am a very loving, forgiving man, so I will not become erratic at any of the statements that you have posed, but rather I will go within and realize that I am a child of God and therefore bigger than the problems that we see here on planet Earth, and forgive them all.

If I see that president Obama has promised not to sign the Mational Defence Authorization Act but instead does so I will understand and forgive him, I will not pull my hair out and run screaming down the street, that would accomlish nothing.

If I see president Obama promise not to sign the CISPA bill that would take our right to free speach, but instead he does, I will understand that he has a reason and only misspoke.

If I see president George Bush at the twin towers on 9/12/01 pointing a finger at those evil Muslems but in fact all evidence shows that he was involved I will not have wonderful thoughts about him but I will fogive him.

I can forgive many things but I guess that the fact that I am human it is OK to pray that the evil leaders of the world will enjoy their KARMA really soon.


grailheart magi's picture



Eugene's picture



To be able to laugh at it all,,how joyus,,,to know our trials and tribulations are but just a oppertunity to know self better. The Soul merges now quicker with ease and certainty at the unfolding events. Thanks PSG.

Be at Peace and Joyful Excitement.


We All Did It


Enjoy the ride,,helping too calm and spead love n  light.

We  are rissing too the forefront to help others to stay calm at the forth coming Shock of what has been happening.













I Enjoyed this Very Much!

Jinjugal's picture

Thank you for the joyous message!  I for one, will be dancing in the streets (albeit, likely with clothing still on).  I was surprised to see Putin's name here - could you tell me more about him and his role, please?  Thank you ~ Love!

I am also very confused about

dancingyogini's picture

I am also very confused about Putin's name being here.  I had a dream around 4 months ago where Putin was shown to me to be the anti-Christ.  I have very bad feelings about this being.  Some things in this post sit badly with me.

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense".  The Buddha.


Plato's Cave

grailheart magi's picture

Seems like you are familiar with some Masters.  If you remember Plato's Cave...... much information we receive is like the shadows on the wall....... the images on the wall are not necessarily good or bad.... unless we put importance to them.


And remember.... there is the Way out from the Cave....... where it's beautiful, peaceful, solf, real, loving. Once experienced and becomes HOME, to return to the cave for a little fun or to see what is going on "in the illusion" is not necessarily a waste of time,  And then you go back HOME when you wish!  It's all up to you, dear heart



I hope none of you buy this

Charles Pleiades's picture

I hope none of you buy this baloney story. Don't forget the bush and Obama administration are one in the same. This complete story is an utter fabrication and I am horrified that this blog would fool lightworker and starseeds into favoring the very financial forces that oppress them when there is a clear attempt at change for the better: Ron Paul. Please don't be so easily fooloed by the last attempts of the dark ones to maintain their control by supporting their potentially dangerous propaganda. Sincerely, Charles pleiades town.

I Agree -- It's Wishful Bullshit Fairy Thinking

soundofheart's picture

You know a tree by it's fruit.  We have witnessed a bouty of corrupt fruit from Obama.  End of story.  Every action to paint righteousness over this corrupt tree will burn in the cleansing fire along with the mile high pile of corrupt trees.  Praise God!

To all the Obama naysayers -

Guest's picture

To all the Obama naysayers - just keep open the possibility that MAYBE you don't know EVERYTHING about the situation. MAYBE there's a plan that nobody TOLD you about. And MAYBE just MAYBE you DON'T know everything like you imagine.


Just sayin - What's the sense to believe the GF in what they say EXCEPT things you can't get you're head around? Is it the info or maybe your inability to see the big picture, so you paint your own based solely on what your eyes tell you?


In 3D it would seem Obama is working against us - but do we only want to use 3D vision at this point?