What we are experiencing in these wonderful times is greatest shift in Humanity… Not shift in 1500’s when people shifted from One continent to many… Not some shift from classical physics to quantum physics… But Shift in Human Conciseness….from unaware and unawake to fully Aware and completely Awaken Human…
Please, make small test on your progress… Check the Progress of your awareness and awakening… I use very often following test asking this question: Do I still live for Power?... Do I still need Power?... Do I recognize what Power brought in my life to this point?...
And by answering these simple questions, You with ease become aware that powers you were chasing praying to it, putting over others, hoarding… You realize these are not so important to your well being any longer…
If you still have deep urge to have everything organized, planned, know your future plans, and remember every single event from your past [mostly dreadful ones…] than You definitely need some less attention to power over other and self… Power over environment and events in the politic or finances…
Do you still live in power over others through money, directives, relations, sex, rules and regulations?... Do you notice that by these actions over others you were having total denial of self discovery and self awareness?...
Do you still wait for some people in power to announce Disclosure?... Do you recognize who are true Messengers for Disclosure?... You are dear Ones… You are… Not some Presidents, or flying sorcerers’ pilots, or some famous anchor… YOU ARE…
Yet we all know deep down how difficult this role of Messenger truly is… How difficult is to stand tall in front of two or more people and state: I am messenger of New Age?... Would you like to hear what I feel in my heart?...
And another Yet… Yet, it is too easy to get caught up in Power of ‘living’, Power of knowing more than others, power of position you want to play [like guru’s, preacher’s, priest’s…]
But, ones who are waiting for Dec. 2012 they MISSED IT ALREADY… Simply because it is happening right NOW and right here, in your backyard, your front yard, in your heart…
Stop waiting for something else to happen…. Stop waiting for someone else… to give you abundance, to remove all the money problems you have… to teach you what ‘spirituality’ is…
YOU ARE IT!... YOU Are this change… You are this loss of power… And most important Truth is: FULLY TRUST IN YOUR SELF… BRING TRUST IN YOUR INNER SELF… BREATHE TRUST IN YOUR OWN LIGHT BEING…
Recognize you are this SHIFT IN CONCIESNESS… YOU ARE … Where with your loss of power over others or self, you SHIFTED HUMAN COCIESNESS…
When you lost all your material possessions, you just lost your ill established financial Power… You learned to Let Go of sexual, financial, controlling Powers… And when You let go of all of the Power… YOU REALIZE THAT YOU ARE GOD, ALSO…
You realize there is no need for accumulation… You realize that power is the poison for Body mind and spirit…
Observe the most powerful institutions in near period of now… Watch how they will poison self to ‘death’ …
As the very power they drunk through ages, turned in to poison… You will see most beautiful collapse of power in Governments, financial, religions, education, medicine, corporations…
When bigger and bigger number of Humans realize that power is destroying itself… Please, do not feel sorry for them, feel only compassion for them…. Feel only love for them…
When this Shift in conciseness becomes fully present, there will be no more dark and light, or Jing and Jung, or feminine and masculine, or rich and poor….
When Humanity realizes they are filled with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Care… this will the moment of True Shift in Human Conciseness…
Where we say this: ‘Power over everyone’ is transmuted in ‘Love is everything’… ‘Power over everything’ is transformed in ‘Love everyone’… that simple… that easy… and by these words you can see that this Conciseness Shift is much more simpler than Shift in Physics [from classical to quantum one…]… much more simpler… mucho más simple… أبسط من ذلك بكثير ...
With Love and joyfully Human, Predrag Saint Germain...
thank you for your diviness!!
thank you for your diviness!! your brilliance always, and your love!!
Seems like we were into this same "thinking" about the same time.... oh, we've encountered the Wizard and (s)he is us!!
This Article aas Written By A
This Article aas Written By A Person Who Speaks and Reads English As A 1st language?
Either Way, I appreciate it!!!
Denis ;)
Why the blessed being who
Why the blessed being who wrote the great article was probably Lemurian.... because here in Hawai`i - the old ancient life style which is still lived - we all speak "pidgeon" Hawai`ian and spelling NEVER counts..... !
Yes, here on the Big Island there is more freedom than on the mainland... no one would ever win a spelling bee or would care to!!
trying to understand and this is beautiful ..
... as the first time i heard your tone and language of love .... I am reading this from my heart again right now.. I feel gratitude and God. thank you .. the lessons are immense and continue.