Earth Allies Message - How deep can you dive in 5d?

We found this post today showing a video of murder, rage, frustration and maybe some other adjectives as it's able to arise emotions like pop corn in a hot pan with butter.
Thus I can assure that there will be some out there finding that what is shown in it is simply a "natural consequence" of a fight for "freedom" and that the soldiers did the right thing, and that those killing are part of a process to bring in freedom, peace and a well being. Some of them will truly believe in this statement, some know it's not true but use it to convince others that their crimes are legal and have a bigger purpose.
The reason why we decided to post it is that it might help someone to go beyond it. To see the truth behind it and shine Love over this, and many other circumstances that happened and that are happening. It's a good way to truly See how deep one is able to go into what is called 5d. Unconditional Love. Oneness. Compassion.
What do you feel about those soldiers? Rage, anger... or compassion? Are you able to see beyond what happened and go deep into the truth? Who are those soldiers but a product of a deep conditioning? What does it take to shoot other human beings from far away, what does it take to shoot children? Could someone that is awake act this way? What do you feel deep inside? Is it what you would like to feel or do you feel unconfortable with your feelings?
To commit such acts it takes that one is deeply asleep, completely detached from its True Self, so deep it learned to believe that taking others life as if one was in a video game is ok. Can they get away with it? No, they cannot. The majority suffers from what is knows as PTSD and suffer from nightmares their whole life, others need to go on with their career or otherwise they will not stand a "normal life" anymore as it would mean to face their actions (which they fear). Others go back to their "normal life" but become so deeply a-social that they live outside of society or get in major troubles. And a small part (now amazingly growing) decide to face their actions and understand how deeply they were deceived. So no, they do not get away with it. Doubts and fear become their way of breathing. They can only choose to get deeper into it or step out of it. Ether way the energy they created comes back to them causing big energetic tsunamis in their lives.
Are they evil? No. No such thing as evil exists. Evil is a believe system. The same believe system used to convince those soldiers to shoot in front of other beings. They act from a deep unconscious. They need all our compassion and Truth. They need to Feel that we do understand that those actions were not done by who they really are but was done by the program they allowed to take over. Their teachings before they actually get to "action" is all based upon programming them not to feel anymore.
The "worst" the action the deeper one needs to sleep into the illusionary dream.
Many are chosen for their un-ability to feel anymore for past traumas. They are used no more and no less as machines. Even if they act this way, that is not what they Are. For they too, Are Love. They simply have no clue about it.
What about those that move the puppets? Same same. They are even more asleep and into separation-game mode.
If you read this it's because you have two choices now: Love, or fear.
Fear will feed the system shown in the video, as it feeds rage, vengeance, horror.
Love will break the chains of the system, feeding Compassion and Oneness.
Fear will separate "you" from "them".
Love will Unite and lend a hand to another manifested expression of yourself as One with God.
Fear will kill your dreams
Love will manifest them.
Fear brings more fear.
Love brings more Love.
What do you wish to See and Live?
We choose Love, and send them all our Compassion and Love, knowing that this will help them to Feel that they are Love too, and that they are already forgiven as once they wake up to the Truth those that they (and of course anyOne on the Planet in similar positions) sent on the other side of the veil will dance in Heaven for their awakening, happy to have helped them -and maybe also you- to get closer to to the only Real thing that exists. Love.
Love to the braveHeart that helped with his Life in the frontline to help us all to transmute this energy! A Love Hero, as all can Be once awaken!
All our Love,
Andrea and the Earth Allies
here's the story:
The Bradley Manning Story Your Don’t Know – 11 September 2012

My jaw dropped as I watched this video. I can’t describe the effect it had on me—and it remains unresolved since 2007!
Now he looks like this!!
Bradley Manning at 22
We really have not paid enough attention to this case.
A soldier who came across evidence of war crimes and released it is being called a traitor with pundits clamoring for his death and prison officials administering forms of torture.
The story of Bradley Manning.
You may think you know the details,
but there’s far more to it.
Here is the video you can watch the story.
Bradley Manning Heads for Trial; No One Charged for Murdered Civilians
Uploaded by TheRealNews on 14 December 2011Ray McGovern introduces a short documentary deconstructing events revealed by Wikileaks link to article