Today we had such a wonderful weekly council of Transitory Government and we introduced truly magnificent being called Brendan Cox to rest of US... It was magical 4 hours conversation...
If you inclined to join US, Earth Council and Galactic Free Press and Earth Allies in Unified Conciseness Field please act upon it... This is not invitation... This is wake up call for all of ones who think and feel that separate groups of Light workers, that different nations and languages can be a barrier, that different approach to FatherMotherGod are possible, that love is just a word that separate you from your partner...
This is true wake up call for all of You who think that separation is a way.... that dichotomy is the path... that difference in opinions is mandatory...
Consider that we all have a common goal... just consider possibility that we all feel that war is not required any longer... that we are not gender separated, but soulfully connected...
This is the way how Earth Council Embassy Trust is founded and operates though all the Planet Earth... And it is fully active and established in every region of this wondrous world, called Gaia...
This is our new and fully concuss United Nations organization, that will replace old and non functional UN during this year of Humanity fully raising its Conciseness...
Even name of United Nations Organization belongs to old, dualistic and dichotomized conventions of words:
"United" - dualistic in approach where it has to be specified that we have to be united as we saw self as separated nations or countries...
"Nations" - degrading and separatistic approach splitting and seeing self as nation, as belong-ers to certain class, religion, nation...
"Organization" - as we need others, some higher 'politicians' to organize our affairs, our views, our freedoms...
Yeah, right... So what is coming... or better what is already here is New way of being part of Oneness: Earth Council Embassy Trust
Where we see Earth as ONE entity, with all of US living on her surface...
Where Council is not one who preside, but brings peoples voice to the Top...
Where Embassy is place with no titles, only care for Gaia and others...
Where Trust is in our hands to Have Earth entrusted in our capable hands as Earth Keepers... Not Earth owners, but Keepers of Her pristine and beautiful state...
If you feel urge to share your life with rest of US, give it a hand... send loving though, donate, help spread these messages, translate to every possible language here on Earth... We Need Your Help... Gaia Needs your Love... New Earth wants you to be part of Her...
23.3.2012 is here soon.... Not because is my birthday, but because it will become the day when Humanity will raise to help each other... when Humanity will see its full potential as One Conciseness... when Humanity will look only for ways to serve others, knowing that by these unselfish actions serving only ONE... One Self...
This is a date of true transmutation of ego Humanity into Conciseness aware Humanity... Aware what actions We can do to help others... Aware how we can share without thinking about our own little ego... because ego is going bye bye...
You will learn many new truths, some very old truths, and You will know that All is well in our Universe, because you Know FatherMotherGod...
And yes, if you inclined to send some small or big gift for all Here at Galactic Free Press, press Donate Button at ...
And you can do it couple of times in a row... Anyway your Visa, MC bills will be forgiven, within weeks... so why do not practice some sharing while you are receiving abundance of Love from our GFP...
Consider before doing any act, donation or thought respectfully, that every act carry equal react, or reaction... And the way I see this action-reaction mode of Creation is quite simple: When you act from your conciseness, You do not expect anything in return for your actions...
As more you give what you carry in your Hearts, asking nothing in return... The more will be send your way, and you only have to receive it...
You are so free to receive IT all from Universe, and You are not questioning is this what you ask for... Because you do not ask... Yet you simply Know, in full gratitude...
You give all the Trust in FatherMotherGod's hands, filled with humbleness and Gratitude...
You know what ever comes Your way, IT is perfect as IT IS...
Love is here, so get ready for Biggest Celebration of All...
With Love, Earth Keeper Predrag/Saint Germain