What a wondrous day for US posting the news... all day long... Started with Solar flares and winds that came like a God's gift to fully initiate all of Humanity in to state of full Grace and Clensing of all the ego's...
What you ar going to find complied together on this small report, is just a beginning of Devine cleansing of all the ego from our existence... This is why the 8.3.12 is the most beautiful day on the planet... Maybe it would look quite intense, from news, from weather status, yet from the view of Love ever present on this Planet, all is perrfect as it should be...
And all is based on our own perception of how we see the events around us... Do we see them as 'bad' or 'good' or simply we see them as Love is here unconditionally... TO STAY...
Who does not want to see and feel this as LOVE, we truly cannot say any more than we are saying for years now... Where MotherFatherGod repeated every day, every post, every moment love is here to stay... LOVE IS HERE NOW....
Please, do not take these events seriously, only with pure joy... but if you desire to get upset or scared, please, find enough courage to step out of this illusionary world of anger and judgment...
Step out from fear and step in to LOVE you are... Love these people in this post, or on CNN, same way you love your doughter or Mum or GrandFather... Expect nothing from them, yet know they were only here to give all they had and all they knew...
With all my Love and Blessings to US all...
So, today we started right on the ball... see the footage from our Leon Panetta and his full confesion of complete ignorance of US Congress... This is more than enough to put him on trial and to convict him for treason, for unecesarly kill tens of thousands of US and other countries citisens... All for the sake of profits and control...
NOT ANY LONGER, dear Leon... not any longer... TRUTH is here... Truth will free US from actions like yours... You played your part, and we thank you and need no more your services... Be Blessed..
"... Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's testimony asserting that the United Nations and NATO have supreme authority over the actions of the United States military, words which effectively declare Congress a ceremonial relic, have prompted Congressman Walter Jones to introduce a resolution that re-affirms such behavior as an "impeachable high crime and misdemeanor" under the Constitution..."
THis title I would put more like a statement, without questionmark... But this is only me... Enjoy it...
US invents enemies to go to war?
A bit from our beloved MSmedia:
Corporations using the media as pawns?
British MPs drunk on power or just drunk?
Or how British citizens supporting quite a habits from their MP's, and allowing them to get voting in drunk state of mind... I have no comments here, but if you save 9000 pounds per year drinking habbit times 367 summes up to half a mill of US dollars, that could be used for much more profound acts... not only to insult newsstand clerk, or argue with oposition party, or to put signs on to floor, visible if you are clowling out of one of 9 bars for MP's...
Or some Sirius Syrian Ship Jumping?... today I was quite excited, as news did not stop, and yet as they were coming I still knew the big news are very close to come... very very close...
In this one, Minister Assad not only that he resigned, but he jumped ships... wow...
Election Fraud: Toronto Riding Allowed Voters With Bogus Addresses
Now even Canadians have no legitimate government, due to Election Fraud... wow...
Arrests Do Not Deter 'Anonymous' Hackers
American Kabuki – (Update 7 March) 155 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds – 8 March 2012
Posted on March 8, 2012
Updated 3/7/12 Huge amount of resignations today. Special thanks to Gabriel of Facebook GLOBAL MASS RESIGNATIONS for the heads up on a number of new banking resignations that I missed. Gabriel will be tracking Insurance, Government and Healthcare Resignations. There’s been a large number of Healthcare resignations lately.
While typing my post, only in couple of minutes difference to find direct link, this title came up:
wow... I think I will stop, to leave some posts for tomorow... What a marvelous day, filled with Truth and Love coming on the surface of our existence...
Love you all and be Blessed, Enjoy in NOW, Knowing that Tomorow is already here... and IT IS PERFECT...
Love, Predrag/Saint Germain