Galactic Love Reporter Predrag/Saint Germain
BREAKING NEWS: Greece Default Is Official; Insurance Payouts Triggered 9.3.12 3:18 AM SET
Today’s report started slowly, with some usual news like pope resigning on 12th of April , 2012 or Anonymous hacked in Vatican site yesterday, or Vatican end up on list of countries accused for laundering money.... Usual light readings, you know...
As I was slowly rolling through some other news when this one pops on my radar from American Kabuki... Thank you dear Brother, your diligence and service to Truth is so tremendous.... Love you for who you are...
Finally, Greeks start playing domino, by simply saying "OHI, OHI..." [translation: NO, NO...] as this if first official domino that felt on 9.3.12, and this will trigger financial tsunami of stock markets losses and complete closures of big number of exchanges and other financial houses of cards...
Of course we do not do predictions here [yet, I was talking about this for last 3 years constantly... Now I sound like these disclaimer and Copy Rights robots...] as this action moved us from predictions and possibilities in true ACT of LOVE present on EARTH....
True cleansing starting TODAY... at least publicly, as we all know this was in preparation for millennia, yet we were always playing with great number of probabilities and possibilities, how many Humans will awake before, and how we can manage to awake full Humanity when all this system starts crushing down within couple of weeks...
Yes, I said it. two to three weeks from today we will have completely different and simpler financial system and fresh and honest government crew... These are times that all the prophets were writing about... it will be mixed with amazing earthly changes, with greatest financial fall downs, with most beautiful truth revelations, with most gracious feelings among meek who will find it FREEDOM...
Freedom is here, dear Brothers and Sisters... Truth is here, dear ONES... And you are the one who carry this TRUTH within your hearts, simply by KNOWING... Knowing that all is PERFECT as it should be... As per DEVINE PLAN...
We are living in most magnificent times of all the times... There is no more separation, there is no more duality, there is no more wrong and rights, there is no more good or bad... THERE IS ONLY LOVE...
We are not any longer on precepis of New Age... We are NOW this New age, by simply acknowledging our existence... By simply recognizing who we truly are... By simply claiming our Freedom by remembering Truth... wow... wow...
I feel magic in the air, all around the Earth, like a blanket of sounds and colors cleansing all of our egos, judgments, accusations, angers, guilt... Magic called LOVE...
Yes, indeed we made it... all together... all 7 billions of US... Hard part is done... waiting is done... finished ... caput... basta... No more waiting... We are IT... Now is very simple part... Just remove your seat belts, put your 5D glasses, open your heart and enjoy the RIDE...
As this will be RIDE OF YOUR ALL LIVES TOGETHER.... RIDE TO ONENESS’... Ride of new Galactic Humanity...
Even if you do not trust or believe these news from Galactic Free Press and other New Era sites and alternative tv stations, you will have same news on your regular tv channel, but with small difference: it will not be your old regular show at 11 am... It will be something very refreshing yet so very hot, that it will blow all the lids from your mind... [read: bust and rip all the veil from your memory...]
Indeed, get ready for your mind to be challenged, where your anal-itical mind will find going in full overdrive, burning every and all circuits, so it has to switch to alternative source to comprehend: TO YOUR HEART...
See these events with YOUR HEART, as HEART has no fear it it... As heart is ready to feel this freedom for US all...
Congratualtion Humanity, we made it... We made it to Aquarius Age of Light and Love...
My love and Blessings to US all, Predrag/Saint Germain
BREAKING NEWS: Greece Default Is Official; Insurance Payouts Triggered 9.3.12 3:18 AM SET
"... A group representing dealers in credit default swaps decided Friday that Greek's bond swap constitutes a "credit event" that entitles holders of Greek credit default swaps to compensation..."
Original Post on CNBC:
The rest of minor news will be in tomorows early edition... This is all I can handle at once...
Love, Predrag/Saint Germain
Not too long ago I read that Greece would be the first country to default and today happened. Truth will set us free, but we have to connect with IT.