Unconditional is what Love is. Love has no conditions, if it had conditions it wouldn't be Love. Love is. Is is Being. There's no limitations (conditions) on what is, it simply is. What is, is what is Real and what is Real is Love. Is, Being, Real, Love are all the same thing. It's what makes you, you. There's no separation (which would be a condition on Love) between you and anything you perceive to be outside of yourself. It's all Love and it's all Unconditional.
One cannot put conditions on Being. Being always is, despite any conditions. The conditions are only in the mind of the observer. Take for instance, the color blue. Blue is a condition of certain objects right? Nope, blue is a word. Visually blue is four symbols that represent specific sounds made by human beings. The word blue is only a metaphor for a range of photon vibrations. The photons are real, 'blue' is an illusion. The photons vibrate how the photons vibrate, calling them blue does nothing. It certainly may help people understand each other, but when people think that conditions are real, it creates all sorts of problems.
Intuitively, people know that Love is what's Real. Because of this, any conditions people put on what they believe is real are conditions they put on what they believe is Love. Since they believe reality is conditional, the believe Love is conditional and in this they also limit themselves. There's no such thing as conditional love but that doesn't stop people from the illusion that there is. In relationships Love is rarely given Freely. In people's illusions, Love becomes a bargaining chip and both parties have a list of conditions the other has to meet or else they'll withdraw their "love" from the table. This isn't really Love at all, but a trade.
Conditional love is an oxymoron. Love is Free, conditions are only limitations. Nobody forces the Sun to shine and it has sustained Life on this Planet for billions of years. Put all the conditions you want on the Sun, it's not gonna change a thing. Change is what's Real and this change flows from Love, the Energy that is Everywhere Present. Love is what keeps the atoms moving forward, not conditions. Love is the only law. In misunderstanding this, society has made laws that turn innocents into criminals and, all the while, put the real criminals in charge on making the laws (rules, limits, conditions).
To truly feel Unconditional Love, people much give it to themselves. You can't give away something that you don't have. Start by Loving yourself Freely and accepting everything that you Are. If you don't like something, change it, but you have to accept that it's there before you can let it go. In Reality, your greatest vision of yourself is already Who You Are, the parts you don't like are only illusions. It's the illusions that keep people from Loving themselves and in understanding these are only illusions it makes Unconditional Love effortless. You know that you have nothing to lose and Everything to gain.
Love from Mother and FatherGod and the Kingdom of Heaven, in the Manifest and Everywhere Present. Know that you are Loved Unconditionally and that all your fears are only illusions.