The Earth Angels. Our Beloved Neighbors and Friends. By, Bella Capozzi. March 17, 2013.

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Cupcakes and Angels Posted on March 17, 2013


I just love the Earth Angels!  Their energy is so approachable and kind, and their demeanor just as sweet as can be. I sense them often, when I’m out walking the dogs or lying around at the beach.  Here is a repost of my first two messages from The Earth Angels, which I originally shared in The Angel Diaries last summer.  Many of my newer readers have not yet become acquainted with this charming band of protectors,  who share our living space here on Earth.  For my friends who have been with me for awhile – I hope you enjoy visiting with them again.  They will be sharing  new information with us in the very near future.

The Earth Angels.  “We Are The Guardians.” 

Originally posted on June29, 2012.

This message came as quite a surprise to me- and even though it’s a little patchy,  I decided to share it anyway.  The ‘Earth Angels’ indicated that they wish to make themselves known to humanity and to be of help to us during our Ascension. I’m aware that there have always been Earth Angels here.  But from what I understand, this particular band just got here and there are more on the way.  I know I’ll  be hearing more from them, but they indicated that it’s new to communicate this way.  This message is what they gave me so far.  Join me in giving them a loving welcome…

The Earth Angels:

 It is our pleasure to make first contact with the Children of the Earth.  Consider this our way of introduction, and we are pleased to present ourselves.  We are those you call the Earth Angels.  A division of the Principalities, we are the Guardians.  We make our way from the heart of the Great Central Sun, and within a fortnight of the first summer moon there shall be more.  By order of  the Divine Dispensation, so this is done.  This is our initial interview with you, as we have newly come to your fair planet. Seldom do we make our presence known, but consider us kind company.

We come in service to Gaia, as her handmaidens and protectors.  It is within our scope of duty to act as escorts for her on her voyage through time and space.  She is destined to remove herself from this lower place, and she shall peacefully ascend past the fifth and then on to the seventh dimension of her being.  She is never alone; our bands are large in number and we are by her side.  Our duty is  to honor the great Angel who makes her home inside the crystal cave at the Earth’s center.  We know you visit her in your times of silence, and it is we who escort you safely there. We hold tight to the chords you spin, thus in turn to anchor yourself onto the web spun round the world. This thing is the grid. The grid is composed of lengthy crystalline structures of frequency.  They are gossamer thin, so they are seldom seen by human eyes.  Allow it’s vision to form in your imagination, then you may see it.  Sometimes you see streaks of brightness cross before your eyes, and this is when you perceive it with the body.  This is your connecting point, because this energy net is the building place of the New Earth.  Much likened to the floor you walk on in your home.  Might it surprise all to know that it is not of the 5th, it is of the 7th?  5th is first and 7th grows from there?  All things are in perpetual forward motion.  Merge as one with the grid and anchor to the 7th, for maximum effectiveness.   A dimension is but a state of existence. It is our greatest pleasure that you do this.  Gaia is most pleased that you take time for her, and so she keeps you well.  A blessing it is. We are most gratified.

Be conscious of our ways to shield you in your travels.  The cleansing commences and the result of this is an uprooting of long dormant vibrations of ill-intent.  Fear them not.  They are but nuisances, and mischievous, so it is preferable to stay clear.  They cut us wide berth and never shall approach when you are in our good company.  This task of ours is to transmute these things into energies of a more refined nature, and in so doing, we render them harmless. Call upon us whenever you are in need of protection, for we are close and come at a moment’s notice.

Stop timing things.  You are beyond this now.  Time is unreal and you have little need  for that which is not based in reality.  Man  made it.  It is a device for control and suppression, only.  They made time as a means to place you as they wish and constrain your expression of free choice.  Wean from it now.  It no longer serves a purpose.  This is the truth.  The shift is clearly underway.

We are the Principalities.  Guardians of the Peoples’ voice and patrons of the Revolutionaries.  Guides to the keepers of the Earth’s fine lands.  Whilst in the service of Gaia, we are in service to Mankind.  More of you can see us now.  Tiny golden pink orbs of light; a flash, like fireflies in a willow tree.  Please see our coming as a sign of the shifting times.  We are reinforcements for the greater change to come.  May the glory of God be with you always, and in that glory you will find your peace.  Honor the Mother Gaia.  Go to her often.  Partake of her gifts.  Her kind ways.  Be so blessed.  We leave you now.


The Earth Angels.  “Home: The Container Within Which You Grow.”

Originally posted on July 16, 2012.


✥ Greetings Child, Our Light, Our Heart.  Present the message we bring, to all of those who care to listen.  We are The Principalities.  We come to bestow our gracious tidings upon you, Sweet Ones.  As you know, we are the Guardians of Gaia and the watchers of the peoples.  We are the keepers of the lands.  These lands are your home, and blessed be Gaia that this is so.  It is upon her rich and fertile soils you make your homes.  You create them to be beautiful.  They are to shelter you and yours, and to keep you warm and dry.  You seek shelter inside its walls from the harshest of the elements and from all that does you harm.  We see you like to save things here, as precious keepsakes of your life and times.  This is so lovely, we think, that you do these things.  Keeping of home is a kindly art and it is as essential to your well-being as the water you drink, the table you set and the fine company you keep.  The home is a reflection of who it is you be this time round, and that which you seek to be in days ahead.

✥ The colors of your home reflect the colors of your being.  Who be you, Child, we inquire?  You in truth are not your human vessel, but a creature made of Light.  Your Earthly environs ought reflect the vibrant complexity of your star-essence and your auric field.  Be you a child of indigo or gold or Holy Mother’s petal pink, like the rose…show these colors.  You ought bring them into your home for the maximum benefit.  These hues shall bring you comfort in these trying times.  Adorn each corner of your livingspace with beauty;  beauty as only you perceive and know it to be.

✥ Mother Gaia wishes to be present in your homes.  Says she, “You think to only know me in the out-of-doors!”  See that this is just not so.  Gaia seeks her welcome everyplace, and in her way she provides a bountiful harvest to select from.  Sparkling crystals carry within them the essential energies needed for your transfiguration.  And, oh the flower kingdom, be it ever so sweet.  The flowers offer themselves up to you in service, such selfless service, to bedeck your Holy space with Mother’s sweet perfume.  The hue of healing would be grassy green.  Allow the greenery inside to cleanse the air and heal you.

✥ Liken your livingspace to a container within which you flourish and grow.  Keep it fair and healthy.  Dust off the webbing and clear this space for ultimate expansion.  Fill up the rooms with lively company.  Engage yourself in laughter and light talk. Aim to share the happy news, whilst together you break bread.  Be exultant.  Delightful you are, Sweet Ones.  So like God.

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