Earth hit by geomagnetic storm: more active region of the Sun turning towards Earth

Rain's picture

Source: TheExtinctionProtocol - 10/9/12

 A geomagnetic storm is in progress as Earth passes through the wake of a CME that arrived on Oct. 8th. Reports of auroras are coming in from across Canada and all the northern-tier US states. Beth Allan sends this picture from Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta: “The auroras outside of Edmonton were so bright for a while that it was easy to walk around in the field I was standing in,” says Allan.

“The lights were moving so fast and were so crisp that it felt like I could reach out and touch them. Really astounding!” High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras as Earth’s magnetic field continues to reverberate from the CME strike. A new and possibly significant active region is emerging at the circled location (below) on the sun’s northern limb. –Space Weather



