Earth Star Network's Vision of Disclosure and Planetary Heart Chakra Manifestation

Lia's picture



On 8 August 2012 Earth Star Network – through our earth ally family at the Galactic Free Press - announced that the Lion’s Gate represented the opening of the planet’s heart chakra in Great Britain, and that the opening of this gate signaled the go ahead for higher frequencies to be transferred into the collective consciousness.



Earth Star Network is stationed in the heart chakra centre and was conceived in collaboration with earth’s higher family as a project that will help the awakening spiritual community broadcast a concentrated love frequency and clear light information through public media.


The project forms a key part of ‘disclosing’ the fifth dimensional and cosmic reality that is now unfolding.  It will be one of many programmes of one-ness and higher frequency that will now be moving into manifestation as we grow into the heart chakra energy.  The heart chakra is a divine planetary energy that allows us to move from ‘dream to action’.  Much work has been done to grow planetary love and intention - now we are about to realise this planetary vision in the physical.  This is the co-creative nature of our dawning golden reality.


Earth Star Network’s announcement and launch on the 8th August and station in GB is naturally synchronistic.  As a project we represent the energies of planetary activation and global heart chakra consciousness, signalled by the 2012 Olympics – also situated here.  These energy codes include:

  • Global unity
  • Integration – east meets west, inner meets outer, high meets low, art meets science
  • Centre
  • Revolution
  • Technology
  • Dream to action

As an earth team – born out of a twin flame kundalini awakening - we embody the balanced masculine-feminine harmonics of Scorpio - the resurrected Phoenix and star energy of creativity. The realised Scorpio transmutes polarised sexual energy for creative purpose.  We shared this in our vision of disclosure slideshow last week, and the theme re-emerged at the Olympic closing celebrations.  The energy of the phoenix is a complete transmutation; it does not look to the ashes, but only radiates the new life that has been made possible – in this case creative wholeness. 




Practically, our vision at Earth Star Network is to help the awakening community join together so that they can broadcast ‘light’ into the planetary biosphere.  Since reality is constructed from data (light), broadcasting the ‘love frequency’ into the planetary mind - via the mass media - forms a crucial part of spiritual shift and healing.



The vision can be achieved by using the internet to unite lightworker insight and resources so that energy can be focused into planetary level information healing.  The internet’s function provides a spriritual mirroring of the soul grid that has been built on the inner planes by lightshowers for twenty five years.  Based at the planetary heart centre and with skills in mass communication and technology, our lightworking duty is to help the living network ‘beat as one’.


For more insight about the Earth Star Network project and our vision of disclosure you can watch a slide show at  Our draft vision statement can be viewed on Facebook at  Already over a thousand people have visited us since last Wednesday and awakeners from all over the world have signed up to find out more about getting involved.


Information about the Lion's Gate activation is available on Youtube at



Broader details about the project and new website will be made available as we go across the next two months but love beings, lightworkers and awakeners can pre-register for details at and follow us on Facebook.   We are an open collaborative project and can only achieve our goals with the participation of the lightworking community – planetary change requires planetary co-operation  We hope you will join us at this momentous time to bring true light into our reality.


Love and blessings

Andrea, Earth Star Network

A Note on Authenticity: This Information Has Been Created and Presented in Christ Consciousness

I am humbled to be presenting this information and am here in complete service to my human family - first and foremost.  I have not gone public with this information without my own conscious contemplation of what galactic selfhood and 5D realisation represents.  I would not be attempting to deliver this project if I did not think it mattered to human beings, regardless of the galactic or higher dimensional world.  I believe more love is needed on our planet and I will do what I can to make this a reality – I made this promise to myself even if God wasn’t real or ETs were malevolent in intent.  I only serve what I perceive to be the highest ideal of love in my own eyes and the collective – and it seems that in this vision the divine really does enter our lives.


I have also been given some insight around matters of misinformation relating to disclosure.  The extra terrestrial world can be subject to as much misunderstanding as the one we live in due to duality consciousness.  We cannot enter a universe of love if we give up our own understanding of love and sovereignty - I would encourage people to be wary of information that does not encourage you to reach your own highest potential, no matter its origin.


If you would like further insight into how I awakened and the authenticity of what I am presenting, Dreams of 2012 on Facebook tracks in complete transparency my journey.


