The Earthdance Globally Synchronized Prayer for Peace

Rain's picture

Earthdance Global Festival for Peace - Setember 22, 2012

4pm California – 8pm Sao Paulo – 1am Cape Town – 9am Sydney

The Earthdance Global Link-Up for Peace
The highlight of the annual multi-location Earthdance Festival is a simultaneous link up, when every event across the world plays the Prayer for Peace at the exact same moment – morning in the Australian rainforest, afternoon in California, midnight in London, and sunrise over the Himalayas – the Prayer for Peace is a profound and powerful moment that unifies our intentions for World Peace on all levels.

"We are one global family

All colors, All races

One world united.

We dance for peace and the healing of our planet Earth

Peace for all nations.

Peace for our communities.

And peace within ourselves.

As we join all dance floors across the world,

let us connect heart to heart.

Through our diversity we recognize Unity.

Through our compassion we recognize Peace.

Our love is the power to transform our world

Let us send it out



For more information on Earthdance, visit
