Earths biosphere created by Antihydrogen fusion... the Merkabah ?

fulely's picture

This story is about an object that has the ability to change the world’s energy usage and remove pollutants and tyrannies from earth and our lives forever.
My early age story, that was only fifteen minuets in duration, will create a new world for us or another planets atmosphere.

I have witnessed many powerful and violent thunder and electrical storms in my life.
On three occasions I have witnessed a wonderful creation from lightning and have named it after my personal initials, RPM for Relativistic Perturbation Mantle or Mantle for short.
But first let me tell you that Thunder Storms produce Mantles that produce Sprites that NASA has said are more powerful than a Nuclear Power Plant at full capacity. Mantles are responsible for making many things along with Sprites. Also, Thunder storms can magnetically invert them selves, bringing what ever magnetic energy that is on top to the bottom. And Ley Lines, that are indemnified and magnetically charged cracks in the earth’s crust. When hit by lightning they store the charge and act as the Magnetic Field inverting device for the storms. They were made by the earth’s crust cooling off billions of years ago. They are at a depth of 250 feet below the earth’s surface.
My scholastic voyage in lightning was started six years ago, it has brought me too many of the elite science and scholastic institutions around the world too no avail. The biggest source of information was from NASA’s independent studies groups, and they were of little help to identify this phenomenon.
On this first occasion, I witnessed an amazing and spectacular display of this power; it was 1960 at Saratoga New York in my family’s back yard. I was seven years old and a very alert child. I saw the storm coming from a distance; it was tall, black and had prevailing northerly high winds. I knew it was going to be exciting.
It had come in from the south, which is the Hudson and Mohawk River Valley’s in upstate New York. The storm hit a ridge of hills near my home with a previously charged Ley Line at the crest and inverted the storm.
It was disrupting my favorite childhood 60s TV show “Casper the Friendly Ghost”. I knew the exciting possibilities that a violent storm could give from my Grandfather teaching me how to watch a storm. This storm started crashing furiously around my home. As usual I got the urge to watch this spectacular event. While I'm watching this beast of a storm tear up the skies, lightning hit the earthly Ley Line near the house. This electrically super charges the Ley Lines and provides a magnetic switching point for the magnetic field in the storm. As a break in the storm occurred; it brought a peek of sun thru the clouds.
But, it was not done. A violent bolt crashed near the house, right on a Ley Line and left a string of six powerful Mantles. The glowing twelve foot diameter high energy spheres were about 250ft apart from my back yard towards magnetic north and to an altitude of 600 to 700 ft...
They all were similar and looked like giant eye balls with an orange, red and yellow center and a two foot powder blue ring surrounding the center.

The closest one was thirty five feet away and looked as if it was exiting the earth’s surface. It was struggling upward out of the earth, then with a jolt it was set free. The force of this movement sent the center ball of energy bouncing upward, it hit the outside of the blue ring’s outer most circumference point and stayed, as this was shifting it allowed the liquid oxygen to be pushed out the bottom of the ring. The blue liquid, which looked like liquid glass, started too make a puddle, now ice, about the size of a Ten foot oval and a few inches thick.
The fog started to grow around it consuming the back yard, as the inner sphere reached the top of the blue ring it received support from the Liquid Oxygen this allowed the sphere to be exposed to the atmosphere. This exposure permitted the center sphere to quietly go ballistic, shooting out like a Fourth of July fire works display.
But unlike gun powder the particles of red kept getting smaller and smaller until it was a mile high cloud of red energy that floated upward and away until it disappeared into the surrounding storm clouds. I understand now that the blue ring is Liquid Oxygen at minus 181 degrees Fahrenheit. And the center sphere was a dense mass of antihydrogen fusion. This all took place in the storm darkened day time so it was very vivid. Then as fast as it showed up it disappeared...
My Dad who had rushed home to bring me to the TV station for a production shoot, walked in the door just in time to see the Mantle’s floating in the back yard and then they disappeared. We had a previous discussion about some people being born knowing certain things and I tried to explain that I knew that these things (Mantles) were in some way important to me. He just said that” I needed a laboratory and scientists to know about what those things were” then rushed me into the car. I always watched for clues in my life as I knew my destiny was for this reason. In school I had class room assignments that other kids could not achieve pertaining to energy and wave physics.  I never brought up the issue again and should have. I had several other clues during my young life but knew my destiny would come together for me. I always was better taught by Nature than school . It might have reminded me of my destiny in life. I ended up building Steam Turbines at G.E. for Power Plants instead of this work Im doing now.
I did not witness any Mantles again until 1982 when an airport I was traveling thru was shut down because of a violent storm. At that event, we were kept off the airplane until after the storm had left. As we were boarding the jet we saw two high energy spheres (Mantles) next to a dense tree line on a Ley Line near the run way. Two other travelers had witnessed the same; I thought to my self of the previous experience, It did not faze me to regroup my energies towards this current project and physics.
Now its 2004 and I’m in Simsbury Connecticut and it’s a very hot and hazy day in the upper nineties, I knew that this could be a hell of a day if this heat turned into energy for a storm, and I was right. The preceding events did not play into my intrest in this lightning storm. My wife was running around the house cleaning twelve things at once while I helped out by cleaning the remote control in our family room on the ground floor.

I was keeping an eye on the skies for a storm; it did not let me down. At four in the afternoon some thing happened that I have not seen before, the sky and surrounding area turned a color green that was very unusual, tornado green.
Then the storm hit from my west, thru a valley again and hit a ridge near my home and inverted the storm...
This storm let out a big charge and one more big down pour and was almost over. As the storm was slowing down, I could see the edge of the storm clouds along a hill side in my back yard, when with one last hurrah, it laid down a bolt with two identical twelve foot Mantles twenty feet out the back door. They are quite as a candle and their colors are very pastille.
The center of the Mantle has a four foot diameter sphere that interns a series of fixed over laying red, yellow and orange displayed stripes in the electrons that were at right angle curves. Same curve radius as the sphere. This is contained with a four inch carbon ring that is surrounded by a two foot ring of liquid oxygen that is contained with another four inch carbon ring. This produces a 16 inch semi-circular flame encompassing the circumference of the finished Mantle.
The flame is powder yellow and is raised by four inches. Total height is sixteen inches, the combined dimensions;
16 inch flame, + 4 inch carbon, + 2 foot LOx ,+ 4 inch carbon, + 4 foot electrons, + 4 inch carbon, + 2 foot LOx, + 4 inch carbon, + 16 inch flame = 12 feet.
These Mantles were twenty feet away and just hovering at four feet off the ground and flat (two dimensional). They were shining a very bright light and were pulsating light at the same time. The light was directional, like a flash light shining in the direction that the Mantle was facing. My personal feelings are that the energy is behind the Mantle (dimensional) and is reflecting the photon energy to our forward space or another dimension, as this energy is focused to a spherical disc, where the visible Mantle is the final object.
I knew that I was staring into the most powerful thing on earth. I was looking at the basis for eternity’s most dynamic force, the interior of the atom. My gut feeling was to go to them, but I froze, I just watched as they began to move across the yard then right thru tall brush, then thru a six foot Willow tree. It went right thru the tree and did not seem to affect either. Not a wrinkle or puff of smoke came from the entire transference, as if it was Holographic or the cellular structure of the tree was separated or divided.
Then it followed a Ley Line and passed thru some more tall brush, then rotated towards the house and lit up my home like Hollywood spot lights shining in the windows at night.
I yelled to my room mate to hurry and look out the back window, she yelled back…
“Why, what did you do to make that light in the back yard” and they disappeared.

I have spent many years researching and discovering every thing I can about the Physics of lightning and nuclear energy. The main idea is what it would take to replicate these wonderful spheres of energy. My hypothesis is,
We can do it!
This is a sphere of Liquid Oxygen, Carbon and highly charged electrons that is responsible for our atmosphere and ionosphere.
Mantles are the first thing made by the big spark in a long string of contributing factors. It made our world and is a constant supplier or replenishment for it as well.
Mantle cleaned the atmosphere of formation clouds creating oil.
Over the past six years I have found things about our world that this can help change and support us into another positive direction. Mantles produce force fields that can be used to change our technology based world with new inventions. I have over one hundred videos of Mantles entertaining us with things like bouncing birds off them and being seen in every country around the world displaying anti-gravity and transference feats by disappearing into the earth.
I have found Mantles in others studies, but the investigators were not educated about the Mantles being involved, as for making Sprites, the Sprite construction was guessed at as being made by “Run Away Electrons” via lightning. Wrong! If that were true than you would see the trail of runaway electrons in a path or established point of reference to end in a sprite. There was no lightning bolt attached to their theory of runaway electrons before the sprites appeared. Sprites are made directly by Mantles. They are the containment of Liquid Oxygen and highly charged Electrons that fall apart above storms and produce Sprites. The ruff environment they live in causes their next stage, the Sprite The actual shaking or jarring of the environment surrounding Mantle caused by the sound, along with the pressure changes, causes Mantle to detonate. Then the Liquid Oxygen’s carbon layer, between the electrons, is broken it is detonated sending the electrons skyward as in a fireworks display. Then the reverse happened below sending the charged Liquid Oxygen downward like inverted fireworks. Being that the Liquid Oxygen is charged, it makes the Liquid Oxygen act differently when dropped out of the Mantle. It separates into tentacles as the magnetic fields in the Liquid Oxygen repel each other. If you look at a returning Mantle, you can see a flat surface to both the Liquid Oxygen and the electrons, as in a low fluid display. It is still contained by the carbon but the liquid levels have been dropped making a flat spot.

When they disappear where do they go?
I believe that they are our Shuttle ride that travels the pathway to another dimension.
While I was looking around the Internet for information, I ran across a topic that was in line with this “Strange Lights in the sky”. To my amazement the strange lights turned out to be Mantles and it did not stop there, there were more than one hundred videos of Mantles floating in every country on the earth. My further search provided a new addition to this and that was the force fields. Someone had video taped “Strange Lights” having a bird bounce off them. This just added more evidence to the already magnificent characteristics piling up about Mantles.
This will and can prove the string theory and provide us with the newest technology to start us on a pathway to new life styles. When they return, they have lost some energy and that translates to changes in their force field’s ability to stay in the other dimension with the others. When it returns, it come’s back to our dimension as fuel for our world. They don’t go very far because they return and fall apart above thunder storms as our air water and charged particles for the ionosphere.

I know they follow Ley Lines and may follow them right away from the earths atmosphere to the very protective layers surrounding earth.

So if they have force fields and gather around the earth, they must be in layers. Many trillions of Mantles for four billion years is enough to guess at their possible placement Or they produce Dark matter in the universe.
They layer up and divide dimensions with force fields. Just a guess but with every new discovery of this magnitude comes new technology and concepts in physics.
This newly discovered property of energy is reflective of that. While doing my research I had some visitors from another dimension “Grand kids”.
They were helping me with my art work and drew some Mantles for me at the same time I was watching a video on plasma in our ancestral art world. The grand kid’s drawings were in the videos as Caveman drawings taken off the cave walls in Europe. The further I investigated this, the more art I found in our history.
The Babylonians, Egyptians, Mayan and a few more all had the same artistry as the grand kids art and the similarity to Mantle was incredible. It just had to be true, if I was seeing Mantles in 2010, why not our ancient ancestors.
While investigating the ancient art world and the meaning behind these powerful builders of our world, I found that most of the information pointed towards religious aspects of Mantles and the transportation of the soul to and from different worlds or heaven.

This discovery is the foremost discovery in history or something that might have happened two thousand years ago. Mantles will give us the ability to outfit Space Ships like the Enterprise from the TV show Star Trek.
This is now possible with Mantles powerful energy and engineering technologies.
We can make artificial atmospheres in space ships and travel across the universe as if traveling in earth’s atmosphere. Scientists were worried about traveling across the solar system because of the harmful radiation from the sun, but with force fields that can be eliminated. They were also concerned about what kind of fuel to use but, with energy and technology from Mantle and its force fields we can build force fields around the ships and use the energy from Mantle to power it. By the use of Mantles in succession and down loading the energy with lasers into the power systems, we can travel for long distances and provide liquid oxygen as our air, water and cleaning of our environment.

What about our earth and Mantles benefits here? Well, I can tell you that if the force fields that I witnessed can be used under water and if they built our dimensional world then we have another place to live right here on earth. I hate messing with Mother Nature but we could create underwater civilizations and give us the abilities to create artificial atmospheres and ionospheres here as well as on other planets. Just as our planet existed many years before our pollution was created. The possibility of building another place to live is possible and I will explain how it can be done. The production of Mantles and its characteristics must be looked at in mass quantities. When the earth was cooling and the volcanoes were settling the earths crust, they were making Mantles by the trillions. Then add in the regular storm lightning and you have Mantle avalanche.
There has to be a point when the surface area around the earth has been surrounded by a layer of force fields from Mantles. I don’t believe that two objects can occupy the same space, even force fields. So as these Mantles and their energetic fields surround the earth they must finally create a full circumference, now what?
I believe they must start another layer and so is built our first dimension. After time, they might blend in melding together using each others liquid oxygen and energy blending the force fields into a solid layer of one Dimension and so on. As each dimension is built and is in place, it would act as a filter of cosmic radiation or replenishment to our world “the finished dimension” and providing a basis for the String Theory or energy for making our Ether. After four and one half billion years and the production of a quattuordecillion Mantles every year, I think that’s enough to build a few dimensions around the earth and have enough left over to clean our atmosphere with.
Once these powerful Mantle’s can be reproduced or controlled by capture, we can use them to power the Ley Lines by predetermined timed intervals to meet powerful Magnetic Trains that can send them across the earths surface with out the necessity for rails, tracks or wires, following earth’s natural patterns of magnetic fields across the world and thru Oceans.

I really can’t think of a better idea for them when they take off and then return with out some of their signature energetic identifying markings. The loss of carbon and energy is what allows them to return to our visible world and still leaving them with enough power to equal that of a nuclear power plant running at full capacity. Well, this is a brief discussion on the subject and where this could go.
The only thing I wanted was to learn how to use your mind to make your world work for you, as in Creative Visualization and Law Of Attraction. I used to plan my dreams at night and make those things happen in my life the next day. Planning co instances in my life was fun, these methods should be taught in school, as early as possible to provide a better basis for manifesting your world.
Then add in an education for the worldly plans and this will provide a solid foundation for your destiny in life. I forgot my personal plans about energy and Mantle. To bad, because it would have avoided some serious pollution calamities and civil unrest. There were many wars over energy and a life not in line with everyone’s dreams. The intranet has played a big role in my work and some of my discoveries might not have been found with out it. With out the past lessons learned by the abuse of energy, predominantly oil and nuclear, this new discovery in energy might not be accepted that easily.

While I have been searching so high and low, I did not realize that I found controlled lightning. Something that no one thought they could do or see. Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin would be amused.
Well here it is, all rapped in (liquid oxygen) Lock stock and Carbon and ready to go. Fire up the space ships and get the phase guns hot and ready, cause here comes Mantle Man ready to tear up the universe.

In this ancient art carving they have three objects Sun, Moon and Mantle? The picture next to it is a Mantle shot by video cam, its very similar to the object in the first picture. Mantles were also in the eyes of Nicola Tesla; he had very limited reference to them in what was left of his writings after the government got done with them. He felt that they were not nuclear and could be made by another way.
He was experimenting with Ley Lines that led to him extracting energy from them and charging them with electricity. He could pull electricity from miles away and light up a light bulb from the charging site. His work with electricity was the most important work in the world that led to today’s electrical inventions and weapons.
When I found out about all the inventions and technology that was hidden from the world, it angered me to my very existence! I wondered “who could have the control over this” it was not God, but a group of self serving aristocrats who take the profits from a starving America and hide not only the technology but the food from starving mouths. They act like they are protecting someone, than whom? Why would energy for the masses be a plan to attack a neighboring country? We have all the clean energy we need in Mantle. This effort started out as a story about my experience how things fell together from the heavens to produce Mantle, but this story about Mantle is changing. My theme is the world and the development of self control of each individual mind, not what some aristocrat with money is doing to control the people hired by the people with a dead end plan.
The development of energy for everyone’s use is already on the hidden drawing board some where in plain view. Mantle will change this problem by supplying energy at very little or no cost. The energy starving public can’t see their path because they laid down in the road a long time ago and said “take care of me” as if that was someone’s responsibility and they got run over.

My G-kids drawings are exactly like the drawings found in many societies around the world. These drawings were shown in a movie by “Thunder Bolts of the Gods” as plasma in our ancestral sky, but for a different reason. The concern for this is important to this research; it shows the religious aspects from different civilizations around the world at many different time periods. This means that not only was this seen at different times but the same meaning was provided by all. Could this be Heavens gate, energies highway for the soul, or just another plasma event? Our general opinion is that our soul returns to its original starting place as an entity. The Egyptians said that your soul enters a Merkabah and travels to another world, the Mennonites, Babylonians, Mayan and American Indian all had the same soul lust end.

Mantle...the missing link between man...mediphysics and the dimensional world.

Theres a lot more to do and study , but for now Mantle can be reproduced and will cure the worlds ills.
Loving the ride and you,
Ronald Patrick Marriott


Earths Biosphere Created By Antihydrogen Fusion

Ra-Raela's picture

What a fascinating subject! Thank you for posting this! There are so many things between Heaven and Earth, that we do not fully understand. What would interest me is, if these mantles contain consciousness, As all energy is created by and comes from Source. Are Sprites conscious nature beings, meaning devas? It would interest me to know if a conscious contact could be made with these energies.


fulely's picture

Mantle maybe the soul transportation device following earths bow shock (earths magnetic field lines) lines back and from Source. Theres studies by many space agencies following the "gateways" or Magnetic bow shock acsess points as gateways.  Delivery of a soul is all energy to a numerological biorhythmic tied to a DNA of equal vibration... your reincarnation always follows DNA.

Ronald Patrick Marriott

Reply Ra-Raela

Ra-Raela's picture

Very interesting! As such, one would wonder if communication is indeed possible! It would be a neat experiment!