The Effortless Presence – Active Meditation vs. True Meditation

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By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The Nature of Active Meditation

Living in an isolated state of consciousness, based upon your identification with your illusionary self, you may find that spatial consciousness is not present in your life, so you are unable to experience Consciousness free of forms. But you have read a lot about this subject, so you wish to bring things beyond forms and shapes under the control of your Ego, in order to stabilize the Ego and make it permanent.

You may have read or heard somewhere that meditation is the best method to that end, so you have begun to meditate diligently. But you are approaching meditation the way you do with other objects of the outside world. You believe that meditation is also an activity of the mind, a concentration on an objects (e. g. a burning candle), or your own respiration or a mantra.
