Our lives are miracles made possible through the soul. Here is the proof of God staring us right in the face. Notice how much effort it takes to deny this. The way we feel about ourselves determines our attitude toward the truth. Disconnection from the true self feels bad because it devalues our perceived self-worth. Financial success, the American Dream, and faith in religion are band-aids for the deeper problem of lack of self-esteem. Keeping the band-aids in place takes great effort. The good news is the soul accomplishes everything yet it does no work. It is reality and it is effortless.
Feeling that something deeper is missing from our lives indicates a block to the easy state of unconditional love, unending joy and unsurpassable peace. The block is the personality. It is attached to what it believes will make it good, right, and strong because it believes it is bad, wrong and weak. It looks forward and backward but rarely fully accepts what IS in this exact moment. Feelings of disconnection and of not being good enough hum in the background. The personality uses a great deal of energy to cover up its worthlessness and nothing is ever enough.