Embracing Everything in Love

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Came across this rattlesnake on my walk, appeared to be dead. Either way, I felt it to be a sign of this transformation process we are all in.

Came across this rattlesnake on my walk, appeared to be dead. Either way, I felt it to be a sign of this transformation process we are all in.

I was sitting with a friend, getting emotional about this shift and everyone on the planet having enough as well as having the freedom to sing their song. The pain of what has been was present in my tears and my friend cried out, “Stop! You are contracting, look at your body.” She suggested that I reframe the emotions by expanding into them. A subtle but powerful shift. My whole body felt it as my chest lifted, shoulders moved back and my heart led the breath. Still feeling all the emotion of what has been but breathing the truth of love into it all by viewing it through that lens.

The glory in the dying so we can become new beings. Nature continues to point the way for me.

The glory in the dying so we can become new beings. Nature continues to point the way for me.

It is fine tuning time. We have our lines pretty well down, now we work with the other actors to put the polishing touches on them. We reframe, cutting lines that are worn and dated. Sitting with friends, speaking of family holiday gatherings, it came up about not wanting to be with someone due to a lower frequency another has carried. We remind one another that we have no idea who they are in this now moment. We open to an expanded possibility for another as we share how we have shifted and changed in this past year. We note how so many are opening to their inner world and discovering its delights. How things are moving at an ever increasing speed as we step into this golden age of peace. As well, giving ourselves permission to set boundaries where needed, to choose to create a new version of a holiday that does not follow any societal programming, and to choose to care for our own joy first and foremost, however that looks to others.

We vowed to practice embracing everything that comes into our world, with love. Whether it is the news of another passing, a sore knee, the weather changing, a friend canceling, the car battery dying, flowers arriving, a restful nap……all of it here to inform, enlighten, enlarge who we are. To breathe in the now moment with my chest expanding rather than contracting. To open my heart and turn on its fire to see the beauty in all that this life has to offer.

This all began with a wonderful movie. I so seldom go to a theatre but was so glad that I did. If you can, go and see the movie, About Time.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7A810duHvw It was a wonderful show about being fully present in the now moments and savoring all that each has to offer. It has time travel and magic and ordinary life so fully depicted I felt myself right back there, changing diapers and holding the hand of a toddler as a young wife and mother. It depicts a touching and deep father-son relationship as well as presenting a relative who has a limit brain functioning but is accepted and cherished in the family. We learn that you cannot save anyone from their choices but you can be a steady beacon of love for them to navigate by.

A bit of surprise magic as this coyote came trotting along the path in front of us.

A bit of surprise magic as this coyote came trotting along the path in front of us.

There are so many beautiful scenes, so much truth, I want to see it with my adult children. My heart felt such joy that this movie was made, that we are becoming a people interested in love and peace and harmony. It reminds us that we can inspire one another to do better, be better, all with love.

We are experiencing an expanded version of love, just as when we install a new computer operating system, everything flows faster and easier (after the initial learning curve!) Love is expanding, exploding, enlarging, enlightening every cell in our bodies. We have entered the new land, we are in loveland. Takes my breath away!

http://liquidlovelight. com