Emmanuel Dagher – Special Energy Update

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Emmanuel Dagher – Special Energy Update 

Emmanuel_Dagher_OfficialHi my friends,

Here’s a little energy update I feel might be helpful at this time.

 For the next 48hrs we are moving through a powerful energy doorway that will glide us into greater ways of being in our personal lives & in our global consciousness. It’s really important to remain present these next few days so that we can be clear on what we really want to create more of & what remaining facades (lack, worry, fear, etc…) we may be ready to release.

The past few weeks have been VERY challenging for many. It has been like a ‘Whoa, what is going on?” type of feeling. Just know you are not alone & that everything will be okay. Over the next few days, we will be given the opportunity to surrender into the massive waves of love washing over our planet, and align with the flow once again. It’s an excellent time to reconnect with our ‘go-to’ inner & spiritual practices as they will help us greatly. We are in this together.




