in emptiness there is form

hilarionra's picture

knowledge about creation, and all the sets of consciousness within creation,
shared with specific beings. these beings were groomed completely in this
knowledge of not only themselves, but creation, and all life as it is.
applying this knowledge to symbols in the physical manifest realm,
yet simultaneously not speaking it abroad for all to have conscious knowledge
of what the symbols mean. through these actions, one can say hello to that
which gave birth to unconscious conditioned responses on this planet.
you can also say hello to the contracts that each being has contained
within their essence, as to the role they are to play.

from identifying with the unconscious conditioning, the being identifies
with the ego, and the fear contained within the ego, which is resistance
towards the being and all beings, towards being the enlightened or
illuminated, being that they are. there are two styles of coming out of
this unconscious state as far as im aware, that is either abiding, which
is you got it, and thats that, and you continue on knowing that you
are awake and aware and learning forever. The second one is non-abiding,
which is you got it and you lost it. in the non abiding variety, the being
is driven by instincts completely. in the abiding variety the being is driven
by their instincts also, but at a conscious state of being, so they know
why theyre feeling the way they are and so on. which is the opposite of
the non abiding. The non abiding experience, has spaces between it, an equational
sequenced experience where you got it for a while, and then suddenly you have
just this acknowledge of not knowing whats up at all.

the blessing within the non abiding is having to deal with the fear at an
unconscious level, not only that, but you also have to deal with the fact
that you know what you are dealing with, and you can pickup on what others
are going through, its just that here and there, you dont have a clue
of whats going on within you, and with others and appears like total chaos.
this process essentially, brings all that which you are unaware of to the surface
for a while, and then it just goes back into dormancy, and the role you play
is one of being in love and loving life, to just feeling like crap about it
expressing your emotions and all that and learning from it. when yorue abiding
your actions are dictated by your hearts desire at a conscious level, so youre
essentially being a conscious beacon of energy for those who are also abiding
and for those who are non abiding, the non abiding pickup on this energy again
at a conscious, and then unconscious level. after a while though the non abiding
does turn into abiding. in which case you turn into abiding from non abiding when
you notice that you have a consistent feeling of knowing and knowing that you also
do not know, BUT none the less, you know that THATS what you are currently feeling.
both simultaneous, knowing and not knowing, and it stays, its irreversable.

ultimately theres no need to worry, even though you may, or you may not regardless
of someone saying that theres no need, if you do even when they say not to, its because
youre going to worry until you feel from within your being, that theres no need.
this is healthy and good, in this you learn that your body is a natural truth
detector, and you learn to go with that which brings you joy through right action.
you also learn that theres no need to hold on to the experience whatsoever, and that
any attempt to try and figure it out, isnt you, its the ego attempting to take
control of you, both yours and the egos of others. only a being who identifies with
the ego ultimately desires to control all life, for its own selfish gains. also
with this kind of knowledge, one does not even feed the egos habit of hating others
for their roles that they play, they love them, because they understand why
they are being played in the first place. you will also deal with pain, but from
this current state of awareness, its not something thats whined about really,
this is because its understood as to why its there. messages like these come out
because of the lack of these messages being all over the planet. and again all this
supports the beginning of all of this. im not going to tell you about why youre
having a toothache, or what a specific symbol means, or how to read in between
the lines, or even share with you how to be psychic and tell the future.

know yourself, and you will know the all. you will learn to trust yourself, and
in turn trust all that is taking place as it is. you will learn that you will
not be let down by trusting in your experience as it is, for it is automatically
aligned to the truth as it is, and will never fail you ever. we will not fail
in establishing heaven on earth = will learn that we are naturally wired
in such a way that we effortlessly take in all the energies of all creation
and that any resistance within towards these energies is to identify with the ego
you will also learn that even though you yourself are not in resistance towards
what you feel, you are in resistance towards your ego, and everyone elses ego. this
resistance does not mean that you are identifying with the ego, nor are you resisting
what is going on within you, you are also not in resistance towards any being
but you are in resistance towards any ego trying to control the inevitable outcomes
that we all must go through, each inevitability is similiar and simultanouesly unique
unto the all, and are also tied into the collective inevitability of experiencing heaven
on earth. you support the soul, playing their roles, because you support yourself playing
your part, and they aware or not, also support you because they support themselves. again
consistently resisting any attempt to keep inevitabilities from happening.
through this, you learn to trust the experince as it is and learn how effortless it is
to work with all that you experience, this includes all that others experience as well.
 you will learn what it means to be
totally wild and out of control from any attempt to keep you in control ,even
when it appears that youre obeying the status quo. this in short is playing the game.
you will learn that all that is transpiring is completely necessary, for us to
heal as the humans that we are. you will see that through all the actions that
represent dictations, unity form, through the transformation of ones consciousness
and the dropping away and energetic transformation of the ego before you. you will
also see unison within diversity as well. and beings resisting beings of all varying
expressions. you will also see again within this, unity. for it is us saying no to
that which no longer serves us, and yes to that which does serve us. and its always
pointing towards unity for with and of ourselves , humankind,animal, insects, flowers, trees and so on.
on and off the planet. the upheaval is necessary for us to heal and will continue for
some time. the unfolding drama will come to a precipise, the ultimate last throwdowns,
and it will be gradual and graceful, those who are not currently
on the same page as all enlightened beings are, will be, and then and ONLY then, will
we all be able to move on as a whole.